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Recent content by DanyCro

  1. D

    Help to build mini quad

    . . No one tolds me that my X9 Lite radio will not work with Air65 because it have ELRS. That is great! 🙄 . .
  2. D

    Build or buy lightweight GPS for Tinywhoops Air65

    Because no reply, this post is deleted.
  3. D

    Help to build mini quad

    Thanks @MARK (LI)! I ordered Tiny Whoop Air65! Separated battery Lava 300mah. EDIT: So, this Forum will shut down.. it seems no activity here anymore ...
  4. D

    Help to build mini quad

    Ok. If I want to build Tiny Whoop with full canopy. I really don't need the fastest drone. Normal speed is enough. Maybe lower motor KV and that give me some extra battery time. Found these parts. If you know some cheaper, please tell. Fame: Air65/Air75 Board: Beta FPV 5 in 1 Motors: 0603...
  5. D

    Help to build mini quad

    Hi to al ! Last time I was built my 7-inch quad (full spec you can see in post #1 at Drone build ). Ispend a lot of many in that quad, especially TBS Crossfire, which cost me a lot, and it's never installed. Now I want to build some mini lightweight FPV Drone. Quad must have: - protector...
  6. D

    Mosquito's fight ?

    Hi. I see no one post thread about mosquitos they do not give you peace when you try enjoy in your beautifulle FPV. I love fly at the end of the day, before dark, because I am free in that time and it is not too hot. But It is a loooot of musquitos over the grads and want eat me when I am on...
  7. D

    Failed RTH, wrong GPS arrows

    I figure out the problem. Never use RTH function if arrow showing a wrong way! All just to do must make some test flight before long distance fly. Just make some circle around yourself and when arrow start pointing in right direction, your RTH function is ready! If arrow pointing in wrong...
  8. D

    Failed RTH, wrong GPS arrows

    Hi. My RTH worked good. Just Yesterday 10 times RTH sucess! But today, I failed 4 times. Everytime crashed on RTH switch. Only I changed: -new location (side covered with corn) -power from 25 to 200mW I try to find reason, then I find 2 wierd situations: a) I saw that on every time when I set...
  9. D

    Drone build

    Hi. when I set RTH, my quad goes on 90m altitude, but I know I set RTH altitude to minimum=20m. It is hapenning when I changed new props, so I mean maybe reason is pitch angle on props? On last broken props when I set 20m, it was go 40m altitude, and that was normal for me... But now on 90m I...
  10. D

    Drone build

    In the meantime, when I searching my problem, I will order this VTX 1200mW. https://a.aliexpress.com/_dVy91oD Also some antenas for reserve.
  11. D

    Drone build

    Hi. I hope you all here after Corona! :) After one crash I loosing fpv picture on short distances. On 25mW around 150m the picture are very bad (before I was go around 500m without problem). Yes, I turned ON diversity in googles. I opened quad and don't see any broken wire. I know that exist...
  12. D

    Drone build

    Hi. On my RXSR reciever antenna is pop out from jack. How can be results if I fly with only 1 antenna on reciever? (When I waiting others to come). Do I have some signal?
  13. D

    Drone build

    Is that true that prop can be broken by itself on hard wind? They are extra strong durable props, and I got miles with them. After 30 second of flight is broken front right prop by itself. Very windy today. Maybe factory mistake, or second option is that my drone taken off by animal hunter's...
  14. D

    Drone build

    Hi. I was set 'in goggles' power on 200mW ( I save it), but it seems I got same FPV distance like at 25. Then I search and find this (at 1:20min) He explain that not exactly mW same what you set in goggles and one in vtx on quad, like if you set in googles 200, will be only 25 in vtx, etc.. Is...
  15. D

    Drone build

    Guys, what you mean about radiation with this things? Is that secure wearing on head and hands, or better ground station? 25mw ?, come oooon, but what 200 mw or more ?