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Recent content by Ed H

  1. E

    two questions on the Avata-1

    On the RTH can I just make it hover and not return home? If I want to give a ride ( let someone else ware the goggles )Can I put my I-phone in VR type goggle or do I have to buy another pair from DJI ?
  2. E

    Third Time out

    95 views and no replies☹️
  3. E

    My First Major Flight Around My Home and Garden

    A little of both. I made my first video yesterday.I used the FPV controller. Check it out on this forum Title Third time out.
  4. E

    Third Time out

    I Think I am catching on to this
  5. E

    My First Major Flight Around My Home and Garden

    I can't give you any tips because I have only flew my avata three times now and I am not as good as you are. Great job!
  6. E

    Home Point

    Thanks I check next time I fly. Would know why the sd card is not recording. I did hit both on the control in the goggles
  7. E

    Home Point

    As a Phantom and Mavic pilot I always waited to hear my phone or tablet say( The home point is set check it on the mape ) Before I would take off .With the avata how do you know when the home point is set?
  8. E

    New owner and first flight

    Happy New Year Dec.30 I finally did my first flight with the avata. I have had this for about three weeks now But I was a little under the weather and was really anxious to get out there. Its definitely going to take some time to get use to this. Only flew for about a half hour so no accidents...
  9. E


    Thank You
  10. E


    I just updated yesterday to the newest firmware. so my question were do I find this remote id number
  11. E


    I looked on this forum and could not find any thing on this. I went to The FAA Drone zone to register my Avata and it ask for my remote ID number. Does anyone know if the avata has one? and if it does were do I find it.
  12. E

    FPV Newbie from Northern New Jersey

    I am in NJ too. Just got the Avata the other day. Hook everything up did a little on the simulator But have not taken it out side yet. It is a little cold this weekend.
  13. E


    FPV controller 2 to a mini ipad 5 I order the avata from dji have not received it yet. I did receive the controller I would like to try the simulator I just don't have a cable that would do that.
  14. E


    What cable do I need to connect my FPV controller to a mini ipad
  15. E

    just order the avata. I just read that they have a new firmware up date that now you have to...

    just order the avata. I just read that they have a new firmware up date that now you have to have your phone hook up to your goggles.My question is when I get my avata do I have to use this up date or can I just up date to the original version ?