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  1. GiantAntCowboy

    LiPo Battery Repair and Puncture Tests - Proceed with caution...

    Hey all, I was originally going to post this in the technical/build section, but figured there may be general interest/curiosity in seeing the puncture tests and disassembled LiPos. Disclaimer: Everything in this video is DANGEROUS, and the processes described require extreme CAUTION as well as...
  2. Fiddlebog

    Tyrant replacement antenna

    In a crash a while back I busted the VTX antenna on my Tyrant S pretty bad. It basically pulled out from the (brass?) mounting nut, tearing the outter metal mesh just underneath the blue rubber of the antenna. I was able to strip some of this off and solder that back on so as to complete the...
  3. S

    Burned Power board Or Flight Controller? (Repair Help)

    Went to the park to do some casual flying today but when I plugged my lipo to my Drone I saw smoke coming in between the Powerboard and the Flight Controller. I can arm and disarm it and basically do every directional control I wanted but the only problem was the receiver wasnt turning on and I...