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Another binding problem


New Member
Dec 18, 2020
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Having a problem similar to some I've seen here regarding XM/ XM+ receivers.

I have an FRSKY Xlite which I have bound to a Geprc Cinequeen (w/XM+) and a TIny Hawk v1 and v2 a well as a DIY F7 Matek 330 quad with another XM+. I recently bought a Jumper T12 Pro and was able to bind my Cinequeen to it but have been unable to get any of the other XM?XM+ receivers to bind. I am able to get the TH 1&2 as well as the DIY F7 w/XM+ to go into bind mode but the Jumper never seems to connect. When powering up the XM+'s I see intermittent green lights for a short time after an attempted bind but this turns to red after a few seconds. I am not as experienced as these efforts might indicate but I'm sure I have performed the binding proceedures correctly and so many tries.

I tired to flash the Internal Multi module on my T12 Pro but it comes up with a statement that it is missing a file (STM-Opentx-noinv.*****?)

I would love any suggestions but get lost pretty easily...
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What protocol are you using? I use a Jumper T8sg. On my radio the Tinyhawk series qwads use the Frsky protocol and my XM+ use FrskyX.
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FRSKY on the T12 Jumper and I was able to follow a thread here and get one of the TinyHawk 2 working. I think it has an XM+ while the TH1 uses XM only- still not able to make it work nor have I got the DIY F7 w/XM+ to work on the JUmper radio, but all have worked on the FRSKY Xlite radio.
Forget anything I said about Frsky X (and D), I was unknowingly unknowledgeable and was referring to the possible Receiver Protocols in BF. Since I don't know anything about the JumperTX versions of OpenTX for their new radios, and I don't know if they have merged yet (or are well debugged) with the current OpenTX, I can't even speculate why one would bind and the others wouldn't unless it was just a buggy thing between JumperTX and the FRsky RX particular firmware revisions. I will follow to see if I can learn something new here.

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