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Arizona Cliff Diving


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2018
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This was a real learning experience. My first time taking my quad on the plane, and I'm glad it ended up working out the way it did. I'm fixing my favorite quad right now, my Flosstyle with the 2408s. I meant to have it ready for this trip, but opted to bring my Batman 220 instead. I'm not a big fan of the 2306 on it, and compared to my 6 inch rig, it's a little squirlley. Long story short the sand wreaked **** on my motors, so I was glad I didn't bring my faves :)

Lots of wobble. Lots of chicken *** hesitation marks. You can tell I'm afraid to crash.I'm trying not to be too hard on myself about it, but I'm disappointed by the overall quality of my footage for the trip. I guess you have to keep flying to get better. Arizona, I will be back to redeem myself.
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Man your vids are great. Love the whole western theme and another amazing location. I don't blame you for not wanting to crash, there must have been snakes everywhere lol!
Man your vids are great. Love the whole western theme and another amazing location. I don't blame you for not wanting to crash, there must have been snakes everywhere lol!
I forgot to add that I got a cactus spine into my knee joint which caused a short lived case of plant spine arthritis. That was good times. Had to cut my knee open and pull the end of the spike out . :)
That is a great video! Well done man! You are hard on yourself! Great job!
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