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**UPDATE* Thanks for the support [USER=658]@HighTechPauper[/USER], I've spent the last 3 days rotting in front of the computer trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing!

My time has been split 65% trying to get things to connect to the computer (I guess driver issues are something everyone in the drone community  just accept? very frustrating to say the least haha); 30% staring at overly complicated transmitter and receiver manuals to get them to talk to each other; The remaining 5% putting components back on the drones and sifting through boxes of spares.

I managed to get the F450 in the air! once I'd managed to get a receiver plugged in and bound to the transmitter and the dji assistant software to actually connect it was relatively painless to set up. The flight was pretty short lived as i crashed into my living room wall but nothing damaged and I'm confident in the setup now. Once the weather is better I'll get it out in the park (managed to find a local guy who has drones that told me the good spots where I won't get bothered)

The little 6 rotor drone, however, I have not had any luck with besides connected the goggles to the camera and walking round the house with the headset on and holding the drone :cool:. I've followed so many youtube videos on how to get it in boot mode and connected but it just refuses to let me flash it or modify the cli (I can view it and see whats currently on there when connected not in boot mode. Naze32 Cleanflight 1.9.0 for reference). Tried it on windows 7 and 10, cleanflight and betalfight, Tried impulserc and zadig to get it to connect when the board is in boot mode. As soon as i short the pins and connect it, the board gets the correct blue light but the pc can no longer see it. Will have to have another go at getting it sorted next weekend.