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Nov 25, 2022
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If you had a choice between the 2 DJI drones Avata and FPV - which one? Is it one more whoop the other racing drone? Which one would you buy? I have multiple drones was looking for a new toy. I have a few racing drones, a few whoops but hate the maintenence if replacing this or configuring that. I have flown acro a few times and have done a few flips, pretty comfortable running almost any kind of drone. I see they both go over 85 mph...any difference in the flight...one more forgiving as far as crashes? Can I use my smart controller (that I use with my Pro 2) with either one?

Love to hear opinions.

The Avata is quite crashproof and very precise in small environments, but best for that since it's not that fast. Long flight times.
The FPV you don't want to ever crash but about twice as fast and powerful, much better at distance/verticals.

Both are very complementary...

No can't use the SC.
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Thank you very much. I thought they went about the same speed.
You say the Avata is quitecrash proof is that because of safety features? Or do you mean its much smaller/harder to break.

Seems like the FPV almost autolevels when doing flips etc. Also love the idea it has a button to make it autohover.

Will the goggles work with anything like The Mavic Pro 2?

You said they are quite complementary...which one would you get?
You say the Avata is quitecrash proof is that because of safety features? Or do you mean its much smaller/harder to break.
That it's literally hard to break, crashed a few times myself with 0 damage, friend at most broke a prop, and I haven't read about anyone wrecking one. Lighter weight, robust shroud around everything... Care Refresh is also cheap for it :D
Crashing an FPV is pretty much guaranteed extensive damage though.

Both have the same flight behavior and have the same safety features. Avata feels a bit more locked in/precise but it might just be the fact you're flying slower...

Will the goggles work with anything like The Mavic Pro 2?

You said they are quite complementary...which one would you get?
Well I have both :D
Best of both worlds might be to get the FPV combo plus the Avata alone since you can use everything from the FPV with it, and the old Goggles V2 that come with the FPV are IMO better than the Avata's Goggles 2.
The FPV also has hacls available that allow making extended use of its capabilities if you're e.g. in mountaineous terrain...
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I didnt even think about that, Get the FPV combo and the Avata drone only and sync. That should work right?? Batteries are a little steep. I guess pay to play LOL!!
Agree with all. I have both and it is a hard decision. I also have a MA2S and a MM2 but I find I don’t fly them much at all.
As has been said the FPV is fast 100 kl/h (faster in manual mode but only with a tail wind) but the Avata is only 50 Kl/h. On holiday in Thailand, I had a choice, had to keep my weight down for flights and noise level. So, I brought the Avata and the MM2. So pleased about my choice.
This is the thing all these drones (all drones) have particular areas that they are good at and that is so important. The FPV is about the most thrilling thing you can fly it’s like a rocket and if you get close to “things” it will give you a heart attack. Thrilling! The Avatar’s magic is that it “loves” to get close to things at some speed, it is so stable. So, I agree with others, if you can, get both?
But if I had the choice of one, one drone in the whole world, it would be the Avata, just hours of pure pleasure.

Johnny come lately, as usual.
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I am so excited. I cant wait to fly these drones. Anything you would recommend besides the FPV combo, Avata (drone only) and batteries and cases???
For me the "improved" foam for the goggles DJI sells was worth it, but that's basically it. I 3D printed some accessories though like a holder to clip the goggles battery to the strap.
[EDIT] Got some adjustable/longer sticks for the controller too.
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Agree with Kilrah, you might want to look at some divorce papers cos your partner will be "You spend more time........" :)
I have both and rarely use the FPV now. flying through forests and between branches and through this and that is so much fun. My photog and video work is done primarily with my Mav3 but flying around with goggles is so much fun and the Avata adds to it with the ability to brush against a tree or branch that would have taken the FPV down in a second.
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Thats interesting you say that. Just because I would have thought the FPV would be able to handle more heavy branches. But wither way I concur. I also dont see me really using it for my drone business. I will leave that to the Mavic's and the Parrot. While the video is cool usually my drone gigs are about enjoying the environment not look how fast/crazy I can go. I am dying to try these drones out. My house is almost a circle on the main floor. I hope to be doing laps Christmas afternoon!!!
Totally agree with akdrone. It's that flying around tight spaces in the Australian bush that is so exciting, or any wooded area. And here is the kicker, you do not know what is around the corner but your brain and the Avata seem to find the smallest gap as akdrone said, if there are a few twigs or leaves it will just chop it down, brush it aside or bounce off it. That my friends, is incredibly satisfying. I have had multiple crashes only one bang hard into a solid object. It is so very strong, you will find it very, hard to damage. I have two so I don’t go a day without. Have not needed to send it away for repair yet. But I have lost it once. One of the things that is so surprising is that it is so solid, so stable. It never wanders a millimetre. I don’t know why but it must be to do with an amazing optical flow system and the lack of sensors! This means that when you go for a gap it is just so trusting, you would never do it with any other drone, I have tried.
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I've been flying the DJI Avata with the Motion Controller and DJI Googles V2 for the last couple of months and boy im in love. I love how you can go through the smallest gap in a tree or bush, I love how responsive the Avata is. The onboard camera settings I generally use is Ultra Wide and RockSteady. The reason why I use RockSteady is I prefer how the footage records the roll of the frame when making turns around trees etc... I've flown the Avata when the warning High Wind Detected (not sure at what wind speed this warning is displayed) but either way the Avata responds so well. I bought the Combo pack as it was a no brainer to have those extra two batteries. Flight time I'm generally getting 16 -17 minutes, but I live on the coast, so most of the time im fighting some sort of wind.

Initially buying the DJI Goggles V2 over the DJI Googles 2 Avata pack was based on cost, but I think maybe having the Googles 2 would if been better as it has that head tracking option that would have been a great tool to have.

I feel the Motion Controller gets a bad rap, but as I FPV pilot that's never really used a RC controller but has spent most of his youth a gamer using joysticks and HOTAS.......going straight into FPV using the MC was easy. Flying with the MC feels so natural and responds so well to my commands, my only issue with it is I'm left-handed, so I sue my left hand with the MC and record button is on the left side for a right-handed thumb, but it's not a deal breaker.

The first video I uploaded where I spent boxing day flying over and around my house and garden was great My First Major Flight Around My Home and Garden, but at the time I was using the free video editing software VideoProc Vlogger, which I feel did not render the footage too well, hence the quality is not as good as it could have been.

I am now using Wondershare Fimora 12, of which I've bought l12 month licence.......so watch this space o7
I guess I am odd man out. I have both and prefer the FPV. Not sure why. Nothing wrong with the Avata, but the FPV to me is a bulldog and the Avata is a Malti-Poo. If the FPV gets out of control, it does damage---The Avata will bounce off and change direction.

Being a long time RC airplane pilot, I have had my share of heart stopping events, so I am a lot more conservative and tamer than most here. There is NO altitude and GPS help on planes, so these are a lot more fun and less stress. I am trying to get used to the motion controller---but I guess I love sticks. Oh well.
I was torn between the Avata and the FPV, but used the same logic from above that I can get the Avata later refurbished from DJI for $505.

So, I ordered a FPV that should be here this week. I don’t plan on even touching manual mode under I am beyond comfortable in the simulator.
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I have both and rarely use the FPV now. flying through forests and between branches and through this and that is so much fun. My photog and video work is done primarily with my Mav3 but flying around with goggles is so much fun and the Avata adds to it with the ability to brush against a tree or branch that would have taken the FPV down in a second.
This sounds a lot like me.

'Been in to this hobby 10 years now, started with a Phantom 3. I've had most of the DJI folding drones, except the Mini 1/SE, and the Mavic 3. Sold a few, still have an Air 1, A2S, Mini3P, FPV, and Avata.

I fly the Avata almost all the time. And I beat the h*ll out of it. It's dang tough. Love to "cut grass" in open fields, the high-speed feeling FPV close to the ground is incomparable to any camera drone flying.

I've even developed a little bit of phobia flying the camera drones any closer than 50ft to anything. With the exception of low light (very noisy), the Avata camera is pretty good, so there's little reason to pull the camera drone out of the case. Hyperlapses, low light, longer flight time, panos, etc. that's it. Otherwise, it's the Avata.

I'm not one of those drone pilots that has fun lazily buzzing around with a camera drone for 30 minutes. Rather than fun, it's worse than watching a pot of water come to a boil for me. Extended battery (I have two) on the Mini3P? Only ever been used for hyperlapses.

I love the FPV, but the risk of disaster is too great compared to the Avata. So, I only pull it out when I have a Need For Speed that the Avata can't satisfy, which is rare (Avata does 60mph in Manual, which is usually enough).

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