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I agree the batteries are unfortunately crazy expensive... I think  $80-100 would be reasonable for this tech, and still make DJI good money.

excluding the batteries, the DJI FPV is actually pretty reasonably priced.

Ive been looking at something like a Diatone Roma F5 or Nazgual etc to supplement the DJI FPV.

sure the drones are cheaper (300-500 euro), but by the time I buy a drone, controller, batteries, charger - we are talking around 1000 euro!

that is obviously excluding googles, since I will use the ones from the DJI FPV - so it be close to 1600 if you were buying everything. (*)

so 1300 euro for the DJI FPV, is actually very reasonable... even 1800 including the (goddam expensive) extra batteries.

of course, traditional fpv-ers argue, you get a better drone, better repair option - and dji fans have thier opinions.

but I dont think either camp can really argue on price, they are pretty similar really.

(sure, analog fpv is much cheaper and something like a whoop, bu that really is comparing apple n' oranges)

my biggest disappointment so far, is the Remote Controller v2 being incompatible with the Air Unit.

if DJI address, this then this will drop the price of getting others drones by nearly 250-300 euro.( ** )

Ironically, whilst that means more will make the move from DJI FPV to other drones, its also makes the DJI FPV combo even better value.


( * ) btw here in the EU, its absolutely tedious trying to find rtf drones, transmitters , batteries etc... you are lucky to find what you want in stock, and would have to use multiple vendors

it feels like really your best bet is to source from Banggood, and wait for it to arrive from China.

... most fpv-ers are not mentioning this -  buying a DJI FPV is very easy/satisfying by comparison

I'll admit if you're in the US, it seems much better - also looks to be better in UK (but post brexit no way im order from there, too expensive)

I guess, if you went for a cheaper 5", 4s  , a cheaper Fsky transmitter, cheaper charger - perhaps you can get it down to 600 euro?

( ** )  yes, I know you can get transmitters cheaper than the DJI, but then its another RX - gets tempting to move to crossfire....

any direction stil means you are paying a min of 150 euro.