Hi, I was testing a mode switch in my home, second floor.
BF config 10.10.0
Fireware 4.5.0 GepRC F222 AIO
Basically I was doing:
1 turn on arming
2 turn on fail safe mode (AUX4)
3 drone is deactivated
This is fine result as I expect. However,
1 turn on arming
2 rise up throttle a bit, but drone was still on ground
3 turn on fail safe mode swtich (AUX4), then drone is suddenly jump up and hit a ceilling!!

4 I took off props and reproduced this crazyness for sure.
This result does not make a sense because the minimum distance to home is set to 10m, so all motors should be stopped, instead of activating a fail safe mode. I believe this never happened before updating a new fireware.
Only one chance is that my AUX4 is applied nothing - turtle mode - fail safe mode. Then when switching to the fail safe mode, the switch needs to pass turtle mode in a sec. However, this accident never happened in an old fireware.
Does anyone know this causes by my wrong setting, or new fireware changes behaivers?
BF config 10.10.0
Fireware 4.5.0 GepRC F222 AIO
Basically I was doing:
1 turn on arming
2 turn on fail safe mode (AUX4)
3 drone is deactivated
This is fine result as I expect. However,
1 turn on arming
2 rise up throttle a bit, but drone was still on ground
3 turn on fail safe mode swtich (AUX4), then drone is suddenly jump up and hit a ceilling!!

4 I took off props and reproduced this crazyness for sure.
This result does not make a sense because the minimum distance to home is set to 10m, so all motors should be stopped, instead of activating a fail safe mode. I believe this never happened before updating a new fireware.
Only one chance is that my AUX4 is applied nothing - turtle mode - fail safe mode. Then when switching to the fail safe mode, the switch needs to pass turtle mode in a sec. However, this accident never happened in an old fireware.
Does anyone know this causes by my wrong setting, or new fireware changes behaivers?