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First FPV Drone Considerations


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Mar 17, 2021
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Hello everyone, long time FPV drone fan but finally taking the plunge thanks to the release of the DJI FPV drone. I actually had one in hand but never opened it and ended up returning it after realizing how expensive/difficult it would be too repair. I've been spending quite a bit of time playing around in DRL and realized that with the style of flying I'd like to be doing that particular drone wasn't going to be a good fit for me.

I've been chatting with the team over at Catalyst Machineworks about getting a BangGod 5" BNF and they've been more than awesome so far but I've been hesitant due to the entry cost and with the new Remote ID laws going into effect next month (yes I know I have 30months to be compliant but cost of the hardware etc is still unknown). Now with the BabyHawk II HD released that seems like an excellent option as well, seems to get great reviews, is under the 250g limit so at least for the time being no registration or remote ID requirements.

My question is for those of you that have flown both 3.5" and 5" drones, 4s and 6s. How do you like the two and are the flight/flight time characteristics of the two different enough to warrant one over the other or would you have both and fly them for different reasons?

Both of these drones support and will be used with the DJI HD setup which is a huge deciding factor for me. So far some of the more obvious pros/cons I've gathered are:

3.5" Pros3.5" Cons5" Pros5" Cons
Under 250gMore susceptible to wind interference?Larger more stable, fasterRegistration (not really a big deal), Remote ID (unknown cost as of yet)
Cheaper entry cost ~$320 for droneArms integrated with bottom plate - $30 per breakIndividual components, cheaper repair costsMore expensive ~$600 entry cost for drone
Cheaper 4s batteriesShorter flight times with 4s batteriesLonger flight times with 6s batteriesMore expensive 6s batteries
Proprietary looking prop design? Currently no stock of replacement stock propsUniversal prop design, large assortment of choices

So really looking to get some input from the community on which they'd go with and why, I also don't plan to mount a GoPro at the moment. I'm not a videographer or anything just doing this for fun.

Oh also out of curiosity how is the motion sickness from the goggles? I do get motion sick from some games in VR so I assume this will likely be similar but possibly exacerbated due to the rate at which you can change direction.
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I'm still fairly new to FPV and if I could do it again I'd start with a 3.5". I started with a Nazgul5 6S and while I'm happy with the drone overall, I don't get to fly it as much as I'd like due to my location. At a $200-and-change price point I felt, and still do feel, I got the most bang for my buck. But like I said, I'd be getting much more flight time had I started smaller.
Hello everyone, long time FPV drone fan but finally taking the plunge thanks to the release of the DJI FPV drone. I actually had one in hand but never opened it and ended up returning it after realizing how expensive/difficult it would be too repair. I've been spending quite a bit of time playing around in DRL and realized that with the style of flying I'd like to be doing that particular drone wasn't going to be a good fit for me.

I've been chatting with the team over at Catalyst Machineworks about getting a BangGod 5" BNF and they've been more than awesome so far but I've been hesitant due to the entry cost and with the new Remote ID laws going into effect next month (yes I know I have 30months to be compliant but cost of the hardware etc is still unknown). Now with the BabyHawk II HD released that seems like an excellent option as well, seems to get great reviews, is under the 250g limit so at least for the time being no registration or remote ID requirements.

My question is for those of you that have flown both 3.5" and 5" drones, 4s and 6s. How do you like the two and are the flight/flight time characteristics of the two different enough to warrant one over the other or would you have both and fly them for different reasons?

Both of these drones support and will be used with the DJI HD setup which is a huge deciding factor for me. So far some of the more obvious pros/cons I've gathered are:

3.5" Pros3.5" Cons5" Pros5" Cons
Under 250gMore susceptible to wind interference?Larger more stable, fasterRegistration (not really a big deal), Remote ID (unknown cost as of yet)
Cheaper entry cost ~$320 for droneArms integrated with bottom plate - $30 per breakIndividual components, cheaper repair costsMore expensive ~$600 entry cost for drone
Cheaper 4s batteriesShorter flight times with 4s batteriesLonger flight times with 6s batteriesMore expensive 6s batteries
Proprietary looking prop design? Currently no stock of replacement stock propsUniversal prop design, large assortment of choices

So really looking to get some input from the community on which they'd go with and why, I also don't plan to mount a GoPro at the moment. I'm not a videographer or anything just doing this for fun.

Oh also out of curiosity how is the motion sickness from the goggles? I do get motion sick from some games in VR so I assume this will likely be similar but possibly exacerbated due to the rate at which you can change direction.
That’s a good summary of points for consideration. I have quads both analogue and digital ranging from 2.5” to 7” (about 18 at last count, and yes I have a problem) that I fly two or three at my usual spots. Flight times aren’t really an issue as you generally have about six packs with you to swap out. Not sure about other people but with the longer flights, anything beyond 10 mins and my brain hurts and I need to land and have a break. I fly mostly digital with DJI gear and I don’t have issues with getting the wobbles, although I have to lean on something or sit in a chair.
As for the best DJI package (in my case), they all serve different purposes. If I’m out in the open, the Chimera 7 is the weapon of choice, when flying in smaller areas, any of the 3” quads and even the 5” gear is ideal.
I run 6S on the chimera which are more expensive and harder to come by than 4S but the rig is designed for long distance cruising and batteries are everything for being able to do that on a rig that size.
I could keep on typing but in reality, if you can afford digital, just determine your style of flying and where you will spend most of your time flying and run with it. For folk that are starting out, I would start out with the smaller quads and develop your skill sets and work from there.
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Here are a few things to consider when buying your first drone

Thanks for the comments guys, I think I'm gonna grab a copy of DVR simulator to see what drone flight in goggles looks/feels like before committing to a particular model. I find myself bouncing between smooth and controlled and reckless flying in the sim because it's so easy to reset and that's only going to end badly when transitioning to real flight.
I bought the DJI FPV and have yet to fly it. One I’m hesitant to and right now, starting a new job i dont have the time
I bought the DJI FPV and have yet to fly it. One I’m hesitant to and right now, starting a new job i dont have the time
I'm just a bit behind you; I haven't bought mine yet, but I'm talking myself into it. The DJI FPV.

The Little White Angel on my right shoulder is preaching financial responsibility, while the Little Red Devil on my left shoulder is saying, "Go for it!"

I just finished reading the DJI FPV manual.

87 MPH

87 Mph??

!! 87 MPH !!

When I read that, the Little White Angel let out a big sigh of resignation, 'cause she knew that she'd been beat!

I live in a beautiful, largely unpopulated canyon, and the thought of doing a "Canyonball Run" at 87 mph is just irresistible for me. I fly Mini-2s now, and the run looks decent even at a mere 23 mph. 87 mph is going to blow my socks off!

Of course, I still have to find the money...

When you start flying your DJI FPV, give us updates on how your self-training goes!




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