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Flying my Avata along the Macaws over the Rainforest!


Oct 29, 2023
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Hello Guys!

I had a very pleasant surprise on my last flights with the DJI Avata !! A flock of macaws joined for a few seconds on my flight!! This is a place in the Amazon Rainforest called Balbina, and we scubadive there! Between the dives I fly my DJI drones and this was the result!!
I hope you enjoy the video!

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Wow, that sounds like an incredible experience! I'm sure the footage must have been breathtaking. The Amazon Rainforest is truly a remarkable place. Your editing is very good too.
Nice and lucky break getting the Mccaws.

All I ever get is turkey vultures and Cara Cara’s (Mexican eagles)
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Wow, that sounds like an incredible experience! I'm sure the footage must have been breathtaking. The Amazon Rainforest is truly a remarkable place. Your editing is very good too.
Thanks mate, I'm glad you liked the video!!
Nice and lucky break getting the Mccaws.

All I ever get is turkey vultures and Cara Cara’s (Mexican eagles)
Yes I was surprised by the flock, and I tried not to stress them on my way back to the home point!! I was very lucky to be able to capture such beauty!
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Great video. Nicely done.
Great work! Question, do you fly with the Avata with one of those hand held things or do you use a typical controller with the control sticks? I need to get one of these drones for work and I'm trying to decide which to get. All I do is boring interior videos, nothing fancy. If you want, you can email me at [email protected]. Thanks...
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Great work! Question, do you fly with the Avata with one of those hand held things or do you use a typical controller with the control sticks? I need to get one of these drones for work and I'm trying to decide which to get. All I do is boring interior videos, nothing fancy. If you want, you can email me at [email protected]. Thanks...
I use the controller with sticks since it gives me the freedom to fly on Manual Mode. And also it gives much more accurate control on normal mode for the Avata for indoor flying

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