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FPV - Skinned Neon Green - WrapGrade


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2019
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A few decals & skins are showing up for the DJI FPV.
In my opinion, none match the quality & fit of WrapGrade.
If you haven't wrapped, the little FPV is one for patience to obtain great results.
WrapGrade skins are multiple pieces, their guide walks you though the order of placement.

Why wrap... absolutely no strong rational. I personally feel it provides a little protection, the FPV in Neon Green is easy to spot in bush or grass.
The main reason, I'm not a big fan of Grey: Dark or Light. I like the looks of the wraps in bright colors.

I've tried other brands, those feel more like paper stickers, sectionals with minimal overlap, or thicker.
WrapGrade is extremely thin material you can lift up several times to get alignment precise.

My Normal Skins on my crafts (Mavic series, etc) are Neon Orange, but the FPV gets Neon Green.
Flying close to ground gets a lot of grass debris on the craft and the 3rd Party Props come in Black or Green.

If interested, Wrap Grade site.

If you take normal shipping, arrives in about 10 days. If you elect the faster shipping, it arrives in 1-2 days to your door.
During the Covid time they temporarily weren't doing standard shipping and you had to purchase FedEx. I ordered some Inspire 2 wraps and was stunned when packaged arrived the next day!


wow, really well done. (not my choice of colour, but no debating the quality of the job!)
how long did it take you?

props, if you use the new (3rd party) prop adapters, you would probably have a wider choice of props (and colours)
wow, really well done. (not my choice of colour, but no debating the quality of the job!)
how long did it take you?

props, if you use the new (3rd party) prop adapters, you would probably have a wider choice of props (and colours)
I've looked at those... have you converted? They do allow a much wider selection & quality.
The need to use a tool to remove nut... since my backpack case is still pending arrival is a bit more than desired presently. I may try those, my FPV flying certainly isn't stressing the twist & locks... LOL!

What ya don't like Neon Green ?
I was hoping they'd eventually make a non-solid splashy Neon camo type... would fit the little craft's personality!

If ya do a wrap, plan on a few hours. I spent a bit more... near 3 taking it down a bit and cleaning prior to wrap. But, Oldies on Radio, pets playing... nice afternoon pass time.
I've looked at those... have you converted? They do allow a much wider selection & quality.
no, Im in the EU, so not as easy to get hold of (yet) as in the US

indeed you need to use a 'prop' spanner to change props, but there are lots to choose from as its the standard size used on other fpv drones.

also on the dji fpv drone, I tend not too damage the props... since I fly it a bit conservatively, due to damage risk - in fact, I still have a full set of spare props for the dji fpv - unlike my 5" where I seem to be going through quite a few props :)

perhaps when the adapter is available in the EU, I might grab it, and then try to use the same props I use on my 5"... just makes spares a bit easier.
I assume you made the face on the gimble cover and numbers on the batteries out of the off cuts?
I assume you made the face on the gimble cover and numbers on the batteries out of the off cuts?
Correct... The Face is from scrapes... I like to stick something on gimbal cover just add a little humor. To edit... the kit comes with 1 Battery skin set... since I use a Battery cover, I used the battery skin creatively.

The numbers are provided in kit. You get a battery number kit 1-5 & A-E.
Added comment... after flying it with skin. I did notice the grass clippings & stains clean off much easier. The FPV body has a little roughness that helps grass moisture to embed & stick.

The skin is smoother and easier to wipe clean.
I typically use Windex to wipe & clean off body & battery cover.
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Very well done. Thanks for the extensive photos in your post, too.
For the Entertainment value... I picked up 2 Alien Skins for Goggles.
One done for a Side by Side comparison.

Skin was a bit challenging, Got nose off a tad (broken nose alien).
Next goggle I'll be more aware on technique.
I may even rebuy and redo 1st goggle... several smaller errors learned in process.

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