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Gimbal wheel on the MCer?


Sep 3, 2022
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So I'm not understanding the purpose of the wheel on the left side of the MCer on the Avata2. Once you launch the gimball reverts to flight mode N or S. Is this something that's for manual flight? Please help me understand this control.
I guess I didn't express my question very well. I understand the scroll knobs control of Real View, ACRO and the cursor but I would think you should be able to tilt the camera in other situations other than RTH...like if you paused in flight (Stop button) and tilt the camera. I wanted to hover and tilt the camera straight down above a bird nest in a gutter on my house to see if there were any eggs in it, for instance. It seems like the scroll function tilting the camera could come in handy for other things. I've never flown in manual mode so I don't know how the scroll wheel functions. Anybody have info on that?
Never mind. When I use the full controller the scroll wheel does what I think it should. I just need to practice more with it. The hand motion controller is much simpler to use.
I wanted to hover and tilt the camera straight down above a bird nest in a gutter
Well you can just tilt the MC and it'll look there... but yeah the wheel does not work for that in this situation.

I've never flown in manual mode so I don't know how the scroll wheel functions. Anybody have info on that?
You can't fly manual with the MC, only with the RC.

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