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Hello From AZ


Dec 6, 2018
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Just got into FPV Racing a bit ago (mostly spectating) and after some research decided to pull the trigger on some gear to mess around with. I was lucky enough to be able to afford some decent gear to start so I am excited to learn and take it nice and slow! Eventually I want to do more DIY type stuff, but for now I will be using a Babyhawk, Fat Shark goggles, and a Taranis XD9. Will be doing a lot of reading!
Well welcome to DRP winfall .0ROJYyg.png
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Welcome @winfall, great gear to get you started! Once you get some experience and find a good open area you will want to look into a 5 inch quad, I have dozens from Whoop brushed and brush-less, TinyHawk, BabyHawk-Race 2 inch, a GT-M3 3 inch, all the way up to 5 inch quads. The small ones are great but the bigger ones can really be flung around much better and carry a good bit further in throws than the small ones, plus you just can't beat 5+ inch power!

Welcome to the madness!!!
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Thanks for the welcomes! I definitely will want to go with a 5 once I get some flight time under my belt. I've mainly been working in the simulator but I have a huge open area in my front yard (live at the end of a street that backs up to a mountain), so I have plenty of space to practice.
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Sounds good! So I got the babyhawk yesterday, went to install the receiver and didn't have the correct allen key size :/ Poor planning on my part but ordered a set of tools that should keep me going. Once I get the shell off I'm hoping it is pretty straight forward to solder on the XM+.

I have an BetaFPV whoop coming today that is BNF so I should be able to play with that a bit.

The simulator has been great, I can tell that it would have been rough trying to fly straight out of the box with an actual drone, so very happy this exists.

Pairing the Taranis controller and getting it set up with lift off was easy.
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So I flew for the first time yesterday, indoors with a tinyhawk. Not bad! Obviously a lot to learn, so I plan to do a lot of flying!

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