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Hello from Denver, Colorado


New Member
Apr 29, 2019
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Hello there.
So I have been flying the DJI spark around the world (this is my travel drone) for photography. I am finally getting in to FPV videography, specially cliff dives. Just ordered FrSky Taranus X9D SE which I am going to use for simulator eventually moving to an actual FPV drone. Hope to get help here to make the right decisions.
Hello there.
So I have been flying the DJI spark around the world (this is my travel drone) for photography. I am finally getting in to FPV videography, specially cliff dives. Just ordered FrSky Taranus X9D SE which I am going to use for simulator eventually moving to an actual FPV drone. Hope to get help here to make the right decisions.
Welcome man, plenty of help here ?
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Welcome to the forum.
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching .?
Welcome! I followed your same trajectory. Mavic Pro for a few years then graduated to fpv. Liftoff on steam was the simulator that I used... Very good... Highly recommended. But I understand that there are other good choices

Then I bought a whoop (BETAFPV 75x) and practiced flying around the house. Then I got the eMax Hawk 5 (great bird and still fun to fly), then I built my own and that's where I am at this point. Great hobby! Loads of fun!

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