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Hello from Norway & Bali


Dec 9, 2022
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Hi from Norway & Bali
I used to fly a lot from 2011 until 2020, but due to some health issues and others, I have had a big break but am back again :) I'm kind of new to FPV and have used drones more commercially and cinematic. I now got the FPV and the Avata and started simulator training. I will be in Norway and up north for Christmas and in Oslo for the new year, so there and in between, when I ranked up enough hours in the simulator, I hope to capture some nice stuff. I was (and in someways still am) supported by DJI, but as I have not done so much for a long time, I hope to get more involved with them over the coming months. I live in Bali and in Norway. All winter now, I will be in Norway and on some shorter trips.

Gear right now:
- Inspire 1 RAW
- Osmo Raw (this is a keeå'per still!!)
- Phantom 4
- Inspire 2 X7
- Mavic 3 Pro
- 5 x Action 3
- 1 x CrystalSky 5.5
- 1 x CrystalSky 7,85 UB
- 1 x Ronin Rs2 (Vertical, Twist grip dual, Focus, transmitter, tether, 3D focus + +)
L Used with Sony A7s III and Atomos Shinobi 7
- 1 x DJI mic
Then FPV, Avata, and a bunch of small gear here and there.

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Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum!

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Welcome to the forum.
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I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching . 👍👍
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Welcome to the forum! :)
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