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I fried an ESC!

great rip for sure. always something but that's the game brother! thanks for sharing?
Thanks Futuramille! Yup par for the course! I was more annoyed with the Lexar card giving up on me. I have since restocked with ScanDisk!
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I use both but prefer SanDisk for the gopro session.
I usually put the smaller lexor cards (16gig) in my fatsharks. I think I see better performance from the Goggle dvr with the smaller capacity.

Has anyone else noticed this?
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I track and save both gopro and dvr vid... Its like a montra to be sure.
If it crashes I want a replay if only by vid.
you learn by watching vids of what you did right and wrong.
Nate and I rewatch and pick apart vids from the day.. err we put on good tunes and enjoy it after the fact.
what a ball
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