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Immersion Vortex 250


New Member
Aug 27, 2016
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So I bought a few racing drones 4 years ago, a Vortex 250 and 285. At the time they were not popular in my area, so I flew them around he house..Now our RC club races drones, I plan on using the 250 since I have the fat shark goggles and all the fancy stuff I bought 4 years ago. What if any do the new drones have that may help me better, I am a new pilot, even though I flew around the house , which was challenging due to trees and chickens...Is there some kind of software that makes it easier? I use a spektrum DX8. Just wondering if I need to buy a new one (RTF) or fly mine, which at the time was not cheap, between it and the goggles well over 1k. Links would be appreciated for banging new stuff.... Thanks in advance. Mike
Hey Mike, welcome to the forum! (@Hennigm4)
I think you are far better off trying to practice with your old gear if you can get it flying and dialed in half way decent, being new it is just going to get destroyed over some amount of time anyway, and, having newer gear isn't what makes you a good pilot, stick time does. IMHO.
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I'd expect that most people will be flying a 5" quad, but you will do fine with the 6" Vortex 250 that you have. You can always upgrade later if you find you want to after getting some experience.

I'd definitely look into practicing on a simulator on a computer, such as Velocidrone, Liftoff, or DRL. Those have a small cost to them, but well worth it. There are other free simulators you can get, but I've not used them.

Good luck and have fun!

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