After having a conversation with Jerry last week, my thought process has changed a bit, Let me explain:
Like everyone else that is jumping onto the FPV bandwagon (in an awesome way !) we are faced we a TON of choices and decisions to make, and just like Jerry has stated in a previous thread, you can be your own worst enemy or your own greatest advocate..........
There are SSSOOOO many choices to make and so much information to absorb, it seems like an impossibility at first, and even after you get your first machine flying, whether it's an ARF, RTF or a BNF, it stills seems like an impossibility............
And then it can all go sideways in a second, and then you find yourself spending way more time , fixing, rebuilding, programming or scouring the internet for a scrap of information to try and solve whatever problem you are trying to solve...........
My conversation with my fellow FPV pilot last week got me thinking about a couple of things:
Jerry, you are right, it seems more and more the information "network" seems to be moving to a facebook type forum, which I personally cant stand, I do not like facebook for several reasons, which is a conversation for another day.............
And the 2nd thing is more of a personal statement, I notice that a lot of people are running Betaflight or Raceflight, nothing wrong at all with Betaflight or Raceflight !
I just happen to fly KISS, so that is where my LIMITED experience comes from,
I did not think posting videos of myself flying would be of any interest to anyone, but after having had my chit chat with Jerry last week, I am beginning to re-think that particular thought process.
I myself love watching videos of other pilots fly, from complete beginners to the most experienced, mostly I love watching people progress and learn new things, I watch fpv videos a LOT, I try to learn from them, and try to incorporate things I like into my style of flying............
So after that long winded ramble bamble, here are a couple of videos from my last session out.
This was a brand new place for me and I have been dying to fly near some "hard targets", I have a type of private field near my home which is a very open space that is great for learning to try different maneuvers in an environment that is obstacle free with plenty of space to recover when needed, which is pretty much all the time !!!
the 2nd video is longer because I crashed into a tree and had to walk to the quad, and I do not yet have any way of editing an avi file..............
So please enjoy, and if I can help anyone with anything I will try my best, if anyone has any questions about the KISS FC, I will do my best, I am NOT an expert by any means. but I do have 3 RR Aliens that I have built myself, and using basically flying stock PID's and they fly great !!!!
My approach to FPV has been this, I try and fly with good equipment, proven equipment and I try and stay away from "knock-off" equipment.
For me this has been good decision, if anyone has any questions or would like to reach out to me directly please feel free PM me, I would love to share what I have learned with others !
The second video, I got to finally "play around" with a tree, holy smokes things happen FAST when you fly near those "Quad-Grabbers" !!!!
I also am waiting for the Furious True D V3 module, there was a LOT of multi pathing off that school building, I'm hoping a diversity module will help with some of that.......maybe, maybe not
Enjoy !
Danny Z
Like everyone else that is jumping onto the FPV bandwagon (in an awesome way !) we are faced we a TON of choices and decisions to make, and just like Jerry has stated in a previous thread, you can be your own worst enemy or your own greatest advocate..........
There are SSSOOOO many choices to make and so much information to absorb, it seems like an impossibility at first, and even after you get your first machine flying, whether it's an ARF, RTF or a BNF, it stills seems like an impossibility............
And then it can all go sideways in a second, and then you find yourself spending way more time , fixing, rebuilding, programming or scouring the internet for a scrap of information to try and solve whatever problem you are trying to solve...........
My conversation with my fellow FPV pilot last week got me thinking about a couple of things:
Jerry, you are right, it seems more and more the information "network" seems to be moving to a facebook type forum, which I personally cant stand, I do not like facebook for several reasons, which is a conversation for another day.............

And the 2nd thing is more of a personal statement, I notice that a lot of people are running Betaflight or Raceflight, nothing wrong at all with Betaflight or Raceflight !
I just happen to fly KISS, so that is where my LIMITED experience comes from,
I did not think posting videos of myself flying would be of any interest to anyone, but after having had my chit chat with Jerry last week, I am beginning to re-think that particular thought process.
I myself love watching videos of other pilots fly, from complete beginners to the most experienced, mostly I love watching people progress and learn new things, I watch fpv videos a LOT, I try to learn from them, and try to incorporate things I like into my style of flying............
So after that long winded ramble bamble, here are a couple of videos from my last session out.
This was a brand new place for me and I have been dying to fly near some "hard targets", I have a type of private field near my home which is a very open space that is great for learning to try different maneuvers in an environment that is obstacle free with plenty of space to recover when needed, which is pretty much all the time !!!
the 2nd video is longer because I crashed into a tree and had to walk to the quad, and I do not yet have any way of editing an avi file..............
So please enjoy, and if I can help anyone with anything I will try my best, if anyone has any questions about the KISS FC, I will do my best, I am NOT an expert by any means. but I do have 3 RR Aliens that I have built myself, and using basically flying stock PID's and they fly great !!!!
My approach to FPV has been this, I try and fly with good equipment, proven equipment and I try and stay away from "knock-off" equipment.
For me this has been good decision, if anyone has any questions or would like to reach out to me directly please feel free PM me, I would love to share what I have learned with others !
The second video, I got to finally "play around" with a tree, holy smokes things happen FAST when you fly near those "Quad-Grabbers" !!!!
I also am waiting for the Furious True D V3 module, there was a LOT of multi pathing off that school building, I'm hoping a diversity module will help with some of that.......maybe, maybe not
Enjoy !
Danny Z