Good to see you posting, Danny! Looks like you've got a need for speed! I'm sure those using the KISS FC could benefit from some of your expertise. You sure seem to know a lot about it.
You've really got some good yaw control when circling objects, that's on of my next goals. I've been playing around with it in the trees the past few packs but I've got a ways to go. I'm thrilled with my progress in the trees the past day or two. They sure do come at you fast!
Hey, I don't know if you're on Windows but if you are just download Windows Live Movie Maker. It's really easy to use. It doesn't have any bells or whistles. You can't color correct or do any advanced editing but it works great for cutting up clips and converting them to MP4's. And best of all it's free!
I hope you decide to stick around. Thanks for posting your videos!
(P.S. Where's the dang gate? I'm sure a lot of us could use some insight into that.)