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Jumper T-Lite transmission distance issue


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2020
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I have used a Jumper T-Lite transmitter multi-protocol for 1.5years, and often fly drones with/without my friends. In general, I feel that transmission distance is shorter. For example;
- happymodel Mobula6 1s loses the signal around 15-25m without obstacles. FrSky binding.(but expect to reach around 150m) . max RSSI is 75, not 99, strange.
- BetaFPV micro drone 2s (forgot model) loses the signal around 50m.FrSky binding (but expect to reach around 400m)
- I have a free style FPV drones (iFlight and gepRC) with air-unit with FrSky XM+. They lose the signal around 1km. (but expect to reach around 2km)
- In general, I found city sides have radio interfere, and a huge parks without people kinda better, but not significant range improvement.
Does anyone know this is normal transmission range or too short and something wrong with my T-lite? I hope T-lite has booster option or may just change antenna simply, instead of installing additional kits.

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Yeah they have a couple of external modules you can add on to improve your distance. However you might have to change the receiver on your aircraft also. Check out YouTube, Nick Burns, flys a lot of nano racers and mini quads, he also does a lot of giveaways throughout the year. Last week he gave 10 quads, and a couple of those extended receivers plus a radio. Lots of info from him.
So far, I have had 4 different types of drones, and all have weak radio, so I guess my radio is something wrong since no one claims the problem I have o_O

I will check him out later, thanks , Mac282!!
Just got one last week with foxwhoop 35.
Went to open field.... 20metres drops from sky over and over no matter what i did..
Go home, fly in garage surrounded by 100s (literally) of wifi signals and concrete everywhere .... rock solid out over all three garages over 170 metres.... WTF is going on!
actually I have found there is a frequency tune setting on T-lite because each receiver has slightly different radio frq, I guess . Without centalizing it, we lose the signal shortly. I found non-English tutorial youtube for it, but it will be helpful to show how to tune it.


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