I hear ya, and you're absolutely right, but... I am on an extremely low budget. It's not like I have the money, and just decided to cheap out. I suppose what I should have done is waited until I had more to spend, but something always seems to come up and then what I had to spend disappears. From looking at and watching some reviews, I knew that the reception with these wasn't great, but I didn't expect unuseable at 20 feet out in my basement. I haven't heard back from the seller/manufacturer, but I'm kind of hoping I just got a particularly bad set, although from what I've now read I'm not holding my breath. If they're really all this bad, how is this even a product, lol. OTOH, there are some reviewers that seem to love them, so maybe all hope isn't lost yet. The thing that kills me about Fat Sharks is that I find the receiver issue confusing af. Some come with none, some apparently come with some hobbled, "fat shark band" only receiver.... I'm starting to think Aomway (commander v2 I think) is the way to go. Looks like you can at least get everything you need in one box, pretty much ready to go. What I really want is just some decent dual screen (non box) race band goggles that work with slightly nearsighted vision, without having to add diopters preferably, and I don't have $500 to spend. *shrug*