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I flew mine for the first time last weekend. It is a remarkable way to fly ... I want one for my RC airplanes. My spotter and I were both amazed at the technology. Would I give up the joysticks for it? Nope. But it's a great alternative and I am looking forward to getting better at using it.

The control box at the bottom of the goggle screen is super-helpful. But pointing the circle at the flight target and having the aircraft track to it? That is slick as hell.

I only flew in Normal Mode, so my feeling that it was not as responsive as I would like may be a function of Normal Mode more than a limitation of the device. I would have flown it again and experimented with Sport Mode but the two German shepherds in their travel crates in the back of my truck and under the cap were absolutely livid that I was flying without their being able to chase the aircraft. Normally, I let them run after it and then land it on the roof or hood of the truck, but given that this was a first flight with the MC, I couldn't risk slicing off dog parts. Good thing that they either have short memories or love me unconditionally.

Given that this is a 1st Gen product, it's only going to get better. Again, I'll never give up the joysticks, but I really like this option and am looking forward to using it again next weekend.