Makes sense. I haven't been building and flying long enough to have a general feel for them yet. But will look into it. Figured the first build will be one on the cheaper side. Then build a more expensive one after, with a third being a racing quad. Thats the goal at least.
The good part of all of this is the learning experience, which I value greatly. As an engineer I find that when I don't know how something works it bothers me. I build computers for fun and enjoy the process quite a bit. I know what all the parts do and how they work together. This past week with the experiments I've done, I feel I have a better understanding of PFV drones and how they work. I got better with my soldering skills, troubleshooting skills, and clear flight. So overall, good learning week.
My 180 frame and power board comes today so I'll start working on that and seeing what parts I can use from this gear I have now. That way once I decide on motors and ESC's I can add them. Since Bandgood is in China, might have to put in order sooner...maybe this weekend.