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New FPV vid...and a new DJI FPV?


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2021
Reaction score
I call this one "Playing With The Mountain".

I just saw a report today that the new DJI FPV has become a good deal less vaporous. It seems that they've filed papers for it with the FCC.

The irony is, I was this close to buying a second DJI FPV this morning...the existing version...to support my demo and training objectives. However, that's at least briefly on hold until I find out more about this new one, and equally important, the new goggles. I'm extremely happy with the existing FPV and goggles, but if they're going to be discontinued soon...I don't want to invest in a dying product line.

And of course, there's the question of price point. If the new one is under $500, I'll almost certainly get one. If it's over $1000, I almost certainly won't.

Has anyone heard more about this since this morning?

This was filed by DJI yesterday with the FCC but is for a new Cinewhoop...


Some pics in this thread.

DJI Avata is actually a new Whoop from DJI? | IntoFPV Forum
What do "Whoop" and "Cinewhoop" mean? Are they brand names, or do they define a class or drone, or...?

The three things I'm interested in for an FPV drone are, in order of importance:

1) The fully immersive FPV experience
2) Speed
3) Endurance/flight time

My real question is, how does this new drone compare to the existing DJI FPV, on these characteristics?

And, of course, how much is it going to cost?

I guess this will all emerge with time.

Whoops are small (usually 3" props) quads with ducted props for collision protection. A whoop can bang into stuff and keep on flying.

A cinewhoop has a mount for a high quality camera, like a GoPro. The small size and collision tolerance make them ideal for filming indoors in busy, complex environments.
Whoops are small (usually 3" props) quads with ducted props for collision protection. A whoop can bang into stuff and keep on flying.

A cinewhoop has a mount for a high quality camera, like a GoPro. The small size and collision tolerance make them ideal for filming indoors in busy, complex environments.
This is helpful!

I'm more of a distance flyer myself, so that suggests that this new DJI alt-FPV probably doesn't compete in that space.



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