Hey guys glad to be here! Hoping to get some helpful answers if y’all are willing, I just finish my 5 in tbs one and watched Josh bardwells vid on motors revving by them selves on the bench with out props, I understand that’s normal, but with mine with the props on when I try to fly it it gets of the ground at about 15 to 25 percent throttle then shoots straight into the air like a bat out of hell no control until I smack disarm and catch it, in receiver on bet flight it looks fine when I move gimbals and rotate drone. driving me nuts searching google so I thought I’d come here. I have 1900 kv emax ecos skystars 55amp f405 hd2 stack fly sky a8s receiver and rush fpv race 2 vtx.thankyou guys so much look forward to a response! Thankyou!!