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Remote control connection failed on my SJRC S70W


New Member
Oct 14, 2021
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I am new here and i know there is a lot of fans and professionals about drones of all kind.

I have a problem with my drone. SJRC S70W. I got it two years ago and i decided to try it.

I made everything right. Turned my SJRC ON, then i turned my transmitter ON and everything looked good. I spun a few times to calibrate dron. Drone's app said "ready to fly", so i pressed 'liftoff'.
Drone went 1 meter above ground, started blinking red and landed. App says:"Remote control connection fails" From this time, i cannot bind transmitter with my SJRC. It binded once in a hundred with same result - red blinking just after liftoff.

Battery in drone and transmitter was fully charged.
I even bought new transmitter and it does same.

In attachment you can find screens from drone's app when it says "ready to fly", and after liftoff it says "Remote control fails".

Do you have any experience with it? Do you have any advice?

Thanks to all local enthusiasts.


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Not much I can do I'm afraid.
Was there anything you addded on the drone or radio?
-These radio signals can't pass through water.
-Wifi or other signals from nearby buildings could cause interference.
-Another drone or RC device (neighbours possibly) causes interference.
You could try going far from houses and possibly other signals. If you can, maybe take the drone apart and see if you can see an antenna. It will most likely be a silver cable.
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Not much I can do I'm afraid.
Was there anything you addded on the drone or radio?
-These radio signals can't pass through water.
-Wifi or other signals from nearby buildings could cause interference.
-Another drone or RC device (neighbours possibly) causes interference.
You could try going far from houses and possibly other signals. If you can, maybe take the drone apart and see if you can see an antenna. It will most likely be a silver cable.

I double checked everything, I tested the drone in a field far from the built-up area. I took the drone apart and checked if there was antenna. Yes, it was.
I think, my last chance is buy another receiver board and try it. Because, in this situation, i just can throw it throught window :D

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