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roninUAV: Ronin Mk1 - sub-250g Freestyle 4" Build


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2019
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Guys, I am super stoked, I started designing my own frames. There are some amazing frames out there. But I kept finding myself wishing I could take this out of that frame and that element out of this frame and put it all into one frame. Well I finally did just that. And believe you me, it's not as easy as it originally sounded LOL. ?

My goal here was to come up with a frame that looked good (yes, I'm like that lol), was sub-250g AUW, at least 4 min flight-time and has to take jello-free HD footage for Youtube videos. I ended up with a 4" frame using 1404 motors and 850mAh 4S lipo. I had originally aimed for the new cool kids 200X flat motors but when I tried 1404 out of curiosity, not only did it provide more than sufficient power, it allowed me to carry an 850mAh (as opposed to a 650) and I'm going 4+ min on hard acro and barely pushing storage voltage LOL. I think generally, people are using overpowered motors for what their builds.


I'd like to think the frame itself is pretty solid. Absolutely I had to sacrifice on durability but at the end of the day, not only is it a very capable freestyle ripper, it does not scare ladies walking their dogs at the park LOL.

And the best part?


I'm on the 3rd prototype for my endurance / long range frame and 2nd prototype for a racing frame. All sub-250g. ? I'm not sure if I'd be breaking forum rules posting a link to the shop here so just PM me if you are interested and I'll shoot you the link and a coupon code!
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