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SD card


Apr 25, 2021
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There’s a SD card slot in both the goggles and in the FPV drone. Which one are you guys using for the SD card?
What I do is after a flight before I power off is look at the footage
in the googles from the sd card in that. Like anything then will
pull drone card and put in a folder on my Mac. If I don’t care for
any of the footage I just reformat both cards then.
You need both cards cause if you loose it you do have a record
and might help you find it.
It would be wise to ALWAYS have your goggle feed recording to the sd card just in case something might happen during flight and your RTH fails, this way you can play back the video in your goggles to get a general idea on where your drone could be.
One thing to know is that even without a card in the goggles and even when you're not recording they will record the last 30sec of the feed for that purpose.
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@Kilrah you mean in some NVM in the goggles?
Going back and rereading the manual without a cupla beers.........
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It would be wise to ALWAYS have your goggle feed recording to the sd card just in case something might happen during flight and your RTH fails, this way you can play back the video in your goggles to get a general idea on where your drone could be.
Good to have the “record automatically on takeoff” enabled too.
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Here is proof on why you should always have your sd card recording in your goggles. Do not rely on the last 30 seconds that the find my drone option has, does not always work!
Jedna věc je vědět, že i bez karty v brýlích a i když nenahráváte, zaznamenají pro tento účel posledních 30 sekund přenosu.
Does anyone know where the last 30 seconds of the flight are stored, or how to transfer this record to your mobile phone?
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In the goggles, there's no way to play it anywhere else than in the goggles or transfer it as far as I know.

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