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Something Crazy Happened!

FPV Flier

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
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Jasper, Alabama
Ok, I was flying this morning on my property and I was flying around some trees about 8' AGL and the drone was about 100 feet from me and all of a sudden the drone went crazy out of control going up and down sideways then it flew up into the tree branches and the whole time I had the stick down trying to land. After the drone got into the tree branches it decided to land and it did so as I had control again of the drone. All it did was bent two of the plastic props. Nothing else was damaged. I fly this same pattern almost every time I fly and never have I had this happen before? I bought this drone soon as they came on the market and never had anything like this happen. This was my first crash and lucky it didn't do more damage than it did. I live in the country and there are no towers or anything that would interfere with the electronics and I fly nearly every day weather permitting. Any ideas what could have caused this? I put new props on and it flew normal.
Ok, I was flying this morning on my property and I was flying around some trees about 8' AGL and the drone was about 100 feet from me and all of a sudden the drone went crazy out of control going up and down sideways then it flew up into the tree branches and the whole time I had the stick down trying to land. After the drone got into the tree branches it decided to land and it did so as I had control again of the drone. All it did was bent two of the plastic props. Nothing else was damaged. I fly this same pattern almost every time I fly and never have I had this happen before? I bought this drone soon as they came on the market and never had anything like this happen. This was my first crash and lucky it didn't do more damage than it did. I live in the country and there are no towers or anything that would interfere with the electronics and I fly nearly every day weather permitting. Any ideas what could have caused this? I put new props on and it flew normal.
If you still want to know what happened we'll need to look at the .txt log file or, possibly the .DAT log file. These can be obtained by first transferring them to the mobile device Fly App and then transferring from there to a PC. Retrieving these files using DJI Assistant 2 won't produce a usable log file.

To see how to retrieve the .DAT log file look here.
.DAT available

The .txt log files will be in the
FlightRecords directory
while the .DATs are in the FlightRecords/MCDatFlightRecords directory.
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I also had a very strange out-of-control movements. Here on youtube you can watch :

what caused my situation was a river flowmeter with EM.

Maybe you also have something similar around ?
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Didn't I read a while ago that funny things happen when the SD card is full or was that just for the goggles ?
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Could possibly be a metallic object or other radio interference. I have a problem with my drone as well. Seems to be stuck at 25 mw in "output power". I have tried to navigate to the menu under "devices" to change this to 700 mw, however, it appears to be greyed out and can't select that option. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, what was done to resolve it?
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I also had a very strange out-of-control movements. Here on youtube you can watch :

what caused my situation was a river flowmeter with EM.

Maybe you also have something similar around ?
You know what Robbie, the last few seconds of you flight is exactly what my drone did. Had to be some sort of interference.
Could possibly be a metallic object or other radio interference. I have a problem with my drone as well. Seems to be stuck at 25 mw in "output power". I have tried to navigate to the menu under "devices" to change this to 700 mw, however, it appears to be greyed out and can't select that option. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, what was done to resolve it?
If I'm correct with the DJI fpv drone you can't go to 700mw only if you use the DJI air unit or Caddx vista. I think it was Kilrah that told me about this? But yes, it is grayed out with the FPV drone.
I would have expected to see altitude problems because of barometric changes over turbulent water. But in my experience it would be a just a drop in height off the water.

The only time I experienced what you describe and what we see in the video was with the old 3DR Solo (my favorite quad to this day) which had a notoriously finicky GPS system. I’m still going with something interfering with your GPS system, or the system itself malfunctioning.
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That scenario you gave with the GPS is very highly possible Bluesgeek. Something at that exact moment probably interfered with my GPS rendering it uncontrollable. Wont ever fly at that spot again. No problems since then. Happy flying my friend!
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