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TBS Nano RX bound but controller doesn't work


New Member
Jun 7, 2022
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Good day fellow pilots. I have the same problem right now. Yesterday I received my Geprc Mark 5 with tbs nano RX and TBS Tango 2 Pro. When I was binding first time everything looked normal and it bound. Then I connected my drone to betaflight and Transmitter was working just fine. I set up arm, beeper and modes to the buttons on my receiver. When I tested the drone, motors were spinning but not with the same rpm. I checked on betaflight and two of them were spinning a lot faster. So that was my first problem. Second problem was that when i pushed throttle stick up just a little bit, motors immediately started spinning almost to the max. And when I pushed throttle all the way down motors were is spinning at max rpm. Then I tried fixing these two problems and with that came third one.

Now when i move throttles it wont show anything on betaflight. TBS nano rx has solid green light, on Tango 2 it shows signal strength and also green light, when i power off my drone it says telemetry lost on my Tango 2. So that means they are bound. I have been searching on internet for the past two days and i still haven't found the solution. I updated my Tango 2 and nano rx, re-bound them multiple times but its still the same. No input on betaflight. Its like my controller wasn't even connected. I feel like drones hate me since i had a lot of problems with my previous one as well.

If any of you guys would time some time and help me, i would be very grateful.

Thank you,

When I tested the drone, motors were spinning but not with the same rpm. I checked on betaflight and two of them were spinning a lot faster. So that was my first problem. Second problem was that when i pushed throttle stick up just a little bit, motors immediately started spinning almost to the max. And when I pushed throttle all the way down motors were is spinning at max rpm. Then I tried fixing these two problems and with that came third one.
Assuming you checked without props all of this is normal, nothing to fix.

For the loss of link check your serial ports and receiver type selection, you might have cleared/reset that.
Extremally similar situation....
Sorry Im not trying to take over your thread, but Im also fighting the same thing...

ZEUS F722 FC / Tango II / Sixty 9 - I finally started over and made another model, programmed the switches, could only find Angle and horizon in Modes section, which is really bothering me, like Im missing something. As Im trying to set up my modes "Problem 1" I cant find or make my Tango 2 - 3way B switch configured with all 3 modes. I can only make :

An armed switch AUX 1 - On and a new row for off.

B switch:
up switch - Angle
middle - Horizon
Bottom - And I thought it should be Acro or Air mode???

I believe this is the only thing I have left ......
Why cant I find a Bottom switch category labeled Acro or Air mode???

Issue #2

I go into BF and then into the section where i can test the motors... This really is bothering me, as i pray someone can shed some light on this.

I can go down the line and adjust the motors indivually.. 1-2-3-4 etc
I move the slide up and down for motor 1, All good and moving at appropriate speed..
And the same thing for motor 2 and for motor 4...

Motor 3 seems sketchy.. Like it's skipping and sputtering up and down.

the weird thing is if i control all of the motors at the same time, using the slide function, it appears to work as normal. but not consistently and not every time.
I tried changing the DSHOT setting, and there was no difference,,,, I so hope someone gets what im saying and can HELP..

I have not done or downloaded anything for the VTX tables

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