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Winston Salem nc pilots with betaflight experience...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2018
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Looking for some to help with issues I've been having first hand.
Probably nothing we haven't already encountered, what's the issue?
been in and out of a few other threads but maybe startin fresh thread will help me out.
riserc indorfin 130mm
fpv kit setup we bought 2 few weeks backs. still learning but each flight gets better. had decent spill, no major damage but did have to go into bf and reset calibration. may have unknowingly changed things but seems my tx trims are and will not recenter to 1500. it will constantly start drifting and yawing, i have to fight with it to hover. im in angle mode.
replaced fc, so thats new. been trying to get into bheli but all that did was connect, readsetup, then motors would rotate very eradiclly, twitchy...and there was never any other option to go to after that. few times they spooled up very fast and may have smoked something. saw smoke, one motor toasted, still unsure bout anything else.
any time if bf all tx centers are off and i can not get them to 1500. with tx connected i can move the vr drone around but it will never hold still, slowly rotates, can trim but it moves in groups of 2 or 3 so its never able to get 1500. while in bf motor tab using the tx to test one or two motors will spool up with other 2 but slowly gain rpms with no input. i been trying to go with process of elimination but does not seem to matter.
place i bought from has reset them for us and while they seemed better this issue comes back, seems fine in store as its hard to pull proper flight test there and they are about 1hr from me so back and forth dont work well. im a step by step guy. not new to rc but been absent for years...
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Have you updated the firmware of the new flight controller? As for the motors slowly spooling up with the props off, this is normal.
yup, as for the motors though...that was only when connected to bheli, it would connect and after pressing the read setup button, in the log window it would show complete but not give an option to do anything...this is when themotors would spool up to a high rpm and may have smoked escs? still unsure
how do i set receiver end points and centers? trim tabs on tx are center but in the receiver tab centers will not set to 1500 and tx inputs do go to 1000 or 2000??

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