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Recent content by BlueLineFPV

  1. BlueLineFPV

    MultiGp Pro Spec Racing

    Whats going on everyone? With Multigp announcing the Pro Spec class, and with my love of Spec racing, I knew I had to get in on this. Over this past weekend, I was able to compete, and I have to say. This type of racing is hands down, Amazing!!! Check out the video to see what its about.
  2. BlueLineFPV

    Beginners guide to Drone Racing

    Whats going on pilots. If you have given racing a thought but don't know how to start, or you are looking for some tips to get better at flying, ill be doing a new series dedicated to just that. Getting you on the track, and building the confidence to hit gates and compete in races. Check out...
  3. BlueLineFPV

    I put a GoPro on my Race Quad??

    Finally took the chance to get some of that HD good good at the race over the weekend, but man.... did I risk it..
  4. BlueLineFPV

    1s Tinyhawk Spec Racing Acro Mode

    Since the 2020 MultiGP Season has been postponed, I figure I would do a little Mini Throwback Series to Some of My Tinyhawk races from the winter season. I hope you enjoy, and if you do show some support by Hitting that Button.
  5. BlueLineFPV

    2020 Multigp Qualifier with a TINYHAWK????

    With the close of our winter season we decided to scale down the 2020 MultiGP GQ track and run our Hawks on them.
  6. BlueLineFPV

    Sharing my Tinyhawk s & Tinyhawk 2 PIDs and Settings

    Whats up everyone, I just wanted to leave this video here to share with you my PIDs and Settings that I use to get the max performance out of my Tinyhawks. I hope this can help someone.
  7. BlueLineFPV

    Tinyhawk Spec Racing FedEx Institute Of Technology

    Team QuadSonic took a trip down to the FedEx Institute of Technology in Memphis TN to race with 901FPV at this awesome location. 901FPV always sets up great events, and this one is by far my favorite of the season. This track spans all across the building, going up stairs and around corners...
  8. BlueLineFPV

    Heads up Tinyhawk Racing

    Whats up everyone? When you race you are your biggest opponent so During this days practice session, I took two of my clips and put them together racing my self and the battle is close. Few mistakes made the difference between crossing that finish line in first or second. Hope you enjoy. Dont...
  9. BlueLineFPV

    TinyHawk s Motor Stutter Issue

    Ha never noticed that! Thank you. I will give it a try.
  10. BlueLineFPV

    TinyHawk s Motor Stutter Issue

    Thank you. I will give this a try when I get off work and see how it does. Would the command line be set motor_idle_throttle_value and then put the value?
  11. BlueLineFPV

    TinyHawk s Motor Stutter Issue

    Whats going on everyone! I have been enjoying the Heck out of my TinyhawkS since I got it last month. But not to long after getting it, I started to notice that when I arm my quad some of the motors would stutter and not start. This seams to happen on just about every motor, but does not happen...
  12. BlueLineFPV

    Chasing Airplanes

    Yesterday I was given the opportunity to chase a awesome looking plane through the skies at Newton International-Benton fliers group. It was an awesome experience that had my fingers shaking the whole time. The pilot of this craft has some mad skills and big ***** for letting me chase him, I...
  13. BlueLineFPV

    Golden Tree Sauce

    Whats going on Everyone. I got some packs in the other day and i was able to put this together. I hope you enjoy. If you like it show some support. Hit that sub button.
  14. BlueLineFPV

    "Lovely" Flow Contemporary Challenge

    Thanks man! It was really a beautiful experience flying to that song! Iam glad I was able to take part in that challenge.