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TinyHawk s Motor Stutter Issue


Active Member
Oct 25, 2018
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Whats going on everyone! I have been enjoying the Heck out of my TinyhawkS since I got it last month. But not to long after getting it, I started to notice that when I arm my quad some of the motors would stutter and not start. This seams to happen on just about every motor, but does not happen all the time and its not all motors at once. One time it might be the front right and then the next it may be the back right and other times it may be the other two. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I usually only fly on 1s and never experienced this on 2s which i have only flown 2s on this about 3 times. I switched the PID Profiles back to the 1s profile which is what I fly on. Any help would be awesome!
Go into BF and set your "Motor Idle Throttle Value [percent]" to a higher value in the Config tab, it is probably set to (default) 4.5%, try 5 or 5.5 or even 6 to see if it helps.
Go into BF and set your "Motor Idle Throttle Value [percent]" to a higher value in the Config tab, it is probably set to (default) 4.5%, try 5 or 5.5 or even 6 to see if it helps.
Thank you. I will give this a try when I get off work and see how it does. Would the command line be
set motor_idle_throttle_value and then put the value?
Not sure of the syntax for the CLI version, which of course you can do, but no need to do all of that when you can just set it from within the CONFIG Tab and do a save and reboot.


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