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Recent content by Pygar70

  1. P

    Bando fly through

    Nice work! I liked the bloopers at the end.
  2. P

    Another question

    Not sure what you're referring to, unless it's the attitude indicator compass? I don't have it either, but I wasn't aware that this was available with the Avata. Have you seen it on a screen-view recording for the Avata?
  3. P

    AVATA Dunking - or how NOT to wash your AVATA...

    That bridge definitely demanded flying under! Flying low over water and in close confines is always a bit nerve-wracking. You never know when the downward sensors are going to collect erroneous readings from the water below and send you careening off into the bushes or rocks. I wish we could...
  4. P

    The Gorge, River Coe, Glencoe - AVATA1 4K

    Nice flying. Well done!
  5. P

    two questions on the Avata-1

    You can't disable the 'low battery' RTH, but you can cancel it once it has initiated.
  6. P

    Avata 2 newbie question - frame rates

    I would agree that 24 fps is unsuitable for fast and low - what the Avata is typically used for, and why it doesn't have that option. However, I've had trouble with 60 fps in low-light - the video being darker than at lower frame rates in the same conditions.
  7. P

    Practical Question: can I fly down a windy river or hiking trail?

    As soon as your spotter loses sight of the drone, you're flying illegally. I would suggest that most of the FPV footage you see online does not conform to local regulation. Spare a thought for Australians: VLOS must be maintained by the pilot! While you can apply for an exemption, use of...
  8. P

    Some "outside the box" Avata 2 questions...

    Responding to a couple of your queries above: 1) "I meant a comparison between traditional controllers and the new FPV controller. Was it a jump you were comfortable with? Did it take time to get used to it? Or do you find the new style more intuitive?" I fly a Phantom and, over the last four...
  9. P

    Flying under metal foot bridge

    Yes, change your settings to hover-on-loss-of-signal, but if it's just a footbridge, you'll probably be fine. If in doubt, position the drone above and just to the other side of the bridge at elevation, then descend straight down to below the bridge height and observe what happens to the...