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2 motors are turning the wrong direction with new ESC 4-1


Jul 26, 2021
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I have a problem with my GepRC Cygnet 3 inch drone. A month earlier I crashed my drone and my motors would not spin anymore. Because all the motors were not spinning I concluded that my 4-1 ESC was fried. I bouth a new ECS and FC (I bouth the FC because I had binding troubles with XMPlus).

FC: STABLE V2 F4 Flight Controller
ESC: STABLE V2 F4 ESC BL32 2-6S 4in1

After I installed the ESC I was happy to find out the motors were spinning again! But after putting on the props and testing it I found out It didn't create lift.
I started to trouble shoot:

Motor mapping was correct: motor 1 (bottem right), motor 2 (upper right), motor 3 (bottem left) and motor 4 (upper left).

Then I checked the motor direction and found out motor 2 and 3 were spinning the wrong direction... I resoldered the wires (switched the 2 outer wires because I read you can do that with a brushless ESC) and after that the motos spun the right way. When I tested it, it instaflipped on me... Then I tried to put the propellors on the other way and reverse the motor direction in betaflight and it instaflipped again.

Im not sure how i can fix this problem, maybe I have to change something in the FC? If I need to copy anything from the comment line please give me instrutions on how to do that because betaflight is still a maze for me.

If someone can help me with this problem I would be very thankfull.
I am not sure what the problem is but you can reverse your motors without resoldering them. There is a program called "BLheli Configurator". It looks a bit like Betaflight and you can reverse the motors individually with it.
You can find it here.
Releases · blheli-configurator/blheli-configurator

If you physically have the props mounted for reverse rotation, then that needs to be set in Betaflight on the "Configuration" tab. You will see it in the upper left corner.
Set the motor direction in Betaflight first (to match how the props are mounted), then adjust motor direction if needed with BLHeli Configurator to get all four blowing down.
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in betaflight on the page with the top down drawing of the qwad with the motors numbered on it, there's a "switch" where you can change from normal or motor direction reversed.
The "normal" way is called props in. That is where the right front propeller is spinning CCW and the left front is spinning CW. Reversed is called props out and that is with the propellers spinning the opposite direction.
Changing this "switch" doesn't change the direction but tells Betaflight what direction you have set the qwad up.
Either way is fine but you need to determine which way your qwad's motors are operating. If they are turning props in set it to the normal way and if they're spinning props out set it for motors reversed.
The reason your qwad jumps up and flips over is because as it takes off the flight controller is set in Betaflight the opposite way and as it adjusts it's compensating the wrong way causing a "runaway throttle" flag.
Switch it around and you'll be in business. I had the same problem once and that's how I figured it out.
I tried using BLheli to reverse motor direction of motor 2 and 3, but the program could not recognize my ESC. I tried a few different versions and what this guy did: (
) but noting seemed to work. Is there something I can try to do to fix this problem or is there maybe an other way to reverse the motor direction of just motor 2 and 3 with betaflight?

Thanks for the response mrmund! I had trouble with motor direction once before but I don't think this is the problem now. I resoldered the motors so all 4 motors would spin in the directions they should spin in and I had the correct motor direction selected in betaflight so I thought it would work but it still instaflipped.

I really hope someone can help me fix this. This drone has been a headache for me for a month now. Everytime I fix something there is a new problem...
With the props off! what direction are your motors turning when you arm the qwad? -props in or props out
If you have selected the correct orientation in betaflight, and and your motors are turning the correct direction... then I don't think you need to do anything in BLHeli.

I suspect you have the wrong prop on a motor or two.
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Motor 1 (bottem right) : spinning clockwise
Motor 2 (upper right) : spinning clockwise (thats the wrong direction)
Motor 3 (bottem left): spinning clockwise (Thats the wrong direction)
Motor 4 (upper left): spinning clockwise

In betaflight I didn't enable reverse motor direction.

In the previous messeges I said that I resoldered the motors so they would spin in the correct way but after hearing I don't have to do that I resoldered it back because the cables were to short. Now I have the same problem but idk how to reverse motor directions of just motors 2 and 3 bacause BLheli doesn't work.
BLHeli should work. Perhaps you need to flash your firmware. See if following Oscars directions here will help you.
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I tried using BLheli to reverse motor direction of motor 2 and 3, but the program could not recognize my ESC. I tried a few different versions and what this guy did: (
) but noting seemed to work. Is there something I can try to do to fix this problem or is there maybe an other way to reverse the motor direction of just motor 2 and 3 with betaflight?

Thanks for the response mrmund! I had trouble with motor direction once before but I don't think this is the problem now. I resoldered the motors so all 4 motors would spin in the directions they should spin in and I had the correct motor direction selected in betaflight so I thought it would work but it still instaflipped.

I really hope someone can help me fix this. This drone has been a headache for me for a month now. Everytime I fix something there is a new problem...
If you are unable to change the direction in BetaFlight, determine which 2 motors are spinning in the wrong direction and unsolder any 2 wires of each of those motors and flip them around, your motors will now spin in the opposite direction, it doesn’t matter which 2 wires you select, that’s guaranteed to work.
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