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6S batteries on 4S Nazgul Evoque


New Member
Oct 13, 2021
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Hi All,

I recently purchased a 4S iFlight Nazgul Evoque from a guy. This thing flies great!

Unfortunately, it is my first 4S and I only purchased 2 4s batteries for it. I have a ton of 6S for my other quads.

I've been watching YouTube videos about how to configure Betaflight to run 6S batteries on a 4S platform using motor limits. All the videos say that the hardware needs to support 6S in order for this to work on 4S drones.

On the main iFlight website, when you go to the product details page like if you were going to order one from them, there is no option to select 4S or 6S? Yet GetFPV, RDQ and PyroDrone all have that select-able option?

Reading through the specs on the iFlight website, it says that the ESC BLITZ Mini 55A supports 2-6S Lipo input. No mention of power ranges for the FC or other components?

Is it safe to fly 6S batteries on this if I do the motor scaling in Betaflight?

Since iFlight doesn't even offer a user select-able option of choosing 4S or 6S, does this mean I can randomly use either battery type natively without even touching Betaflight config?

It would save me a ton of money if I can get this to work.

Anyone here with experience doing this?
The battery voltage doesn't usually matter as much to the other electronics as much as the ESC. It is all on a power supply after the ESC. The fc probably gets battery voltage but it looks like the motors are the only things different between the 4s and 6s versions. The only other thing is the capacitor, it has the voltage reading on the side, if it is any less than 34v it won't work.
Good luck.
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You also want to check if anything is connected to a VCC pad on your controller. That will give battery voltage and some VTX can't handle 6s voltage. If they are connected to a 5v, 9v, 10v, 12v, or whatever pad they will be fine. An example is the DJI Air unit. It can only take 4s. The Vista can handle 6s.

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