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A funny rip session!

Lol mate, one of those days.
Some great stuff in there mate.
I hope it all comes together next time but don't bet on it.
One pack rips are hard work, not often we can put 4 minutes of ripping together perfectly.
LOL thanks Wayne!
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Nothing wrong with that effort, that would be an A+ day for me and be grateful I walked away with my kit! Nice work through the rails, great control.
Thanks tevek! I was wondering if I was going to walk away with repairs to do.. but just props to replace! LOL
How did you go bro? Get back out again?
It's been solid rain and heavy winds since my last session. I fly back out on Tuesday morning and only have tomorrow left to discharge packs before packing it all up again to take away.
Weather forecast for the next few days is shocking so looking like I have 4x2s whoop packs and 6x4s packs to run to storage inside my house.
Should be interesting. ?
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How did you go bro? Get back out again?
It's been solid rain and heavy winds since my last session. I fly back out on Tuesday morning and only have tomorrow left to discharge packs before packing it all up again to take away.
Weather forecast for the next few days is shocking so looking like I have 4x2s whoop packs and 6x4s packs to run to storage inside my house.
Should be interesting. ?
Hey man! Yup went back out yesterday and ripped 15 packs in total but nothing special in terms of footage. Going to try and get some more in today. Ya man let it rip when you can! Post some videos so we can see!! :)
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