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About the buy these parts to build my first FPV quad, Are they compatible


New Member
Jun 26, 2017
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hello, i have been looking to get into FPV racing for a while and noticed now is a good time as prices for getting into the hobby are way down :D

this is my shopping list for the parts, iam open to getting an upgrade for each one as long as it is less than $5 each.

as the ESC i want is out of stock on Banggood i settled on Aliexpress instead
Buy Products Online from China Wholesalers at Aliexpress.com

i have quite a few questions as iam very concerned and uneducated on building my own FPV drone

my first question is obviously are these parts compatible, also is there a quick way to check the compatibility of parts?

as mentioned above iam willing to pay a bit more for higher quality parts and what not

are these batterys any good? iam have been turned away from lipos for quite some time due to safety reasons and iam willing to go so far to buy a lipo safety bag/other alternatives

is this esc able to handle the 4S battery? i have read quite a few bad things about ratings not being correct

will everything work as intended, will the goggles hook up to the VTX or the transmitter work with the FC and such

any lipo safety tips, am i able to charge them overnight or leave them unintended. and how dangerous are they really?

one of my main concerns is if these quad parts have any way of telling low voltage/battery or do i have to buy some sort of separate part

does this build leave room for future upgrades? better motors and batterys and other such things

do you guys have any knowledge on how long they will take to charge? i have searched but have found nothing

my final questions is about the charger, will it have enough power and all that jazz to charge the battery, and how safe is it? i see hobbyking selling it so i have no concern they would sell and dangerous charger

Also is the FS-ia6b or the FS-ia10b any better than what iam currently getting, its only $1 more than this and i dont know if its compatible. and is there an estimate of range i will get?

Thanks for reading :D
sorry about the wall of text its just iam very new to this hobby and have so many questions
Mostly looks good, should work together fine. A couple things I might change would be:

1. Get a smaller, lighter battery in the 1300mah-1500mah range

2. Upgrade PDB to Matek HUBOSD.
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