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Jan 10, 2017
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Hi everyone,

Thought I'd say hello and introduce myself. I've loved any kind of wireless controlled "toy" ever since I was a kid, and I love that so many different toys and non-toys exist now. I have a few different low quality quad-copters/heli's and I've recently gotten interested in the racing aspect (just for fun, not really into the competitive side... For now)

My girlfriend's dad has a 3DR Solo which has been pretty cool to see in action, so I thought it might be cool for us to look into getting a couple racing drones. I have a few 3D printers too, so I'm interested in seeing how well I can print replacement parts etc if and when I crash.

Obviously since I'm a COMPLETE newbie to this, I have no idea where to look for good recommendations. I've done a couple Google searches and read a few articles, but it's tough to find a concrete answer on what kind of complete kit might be good to start with. I'm a tinker-er (hence my love of 3D printing) so I don't mind the idea of a kit I have to assemble; I just would like a kit with everything I need together, probably with a few batteries etc. Any recommendations on articles to read, or models to check out would be very appreciated (especially if they're Canadian-friendly as far as shipping goes. Amazon.ca is usually my first choice but that might not be the best)

I'm not on any sort of timeline as up here in Western Canada we're in the dead of one of the snowiest winters we've had in a long time, so I'm a few months from being able to fly outside. That leaves lots of time to research though!

Looking forward to chatting and discovering more about this fantastic hobby!
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Welcome to DRP GottaBe :)

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