Hello All,
I just picked up a DJI FPV combo, going through the motions to set it up I was disappointed to find it lacked an Airplane mode like the Mavic I used to have. I fly real airplanes for work and the control stick logic just doesn't make sense. Everyone knows, if you want to go up you pull on something, a yoke or stick in an airplane and a collective in a helicopter, why DJI chooses push up to go up is beyond me.
So, anyway back to my question, I wonder if DJI will include a custom mode or airplane mode in an update, thoughts?
First off tna9001, Welcome to one of the many DronePilots' Forums. Since your a pilot... you'll understand the logic, it's simple and really old school. The way DJI designed there flight systems is really basic in my mind. they just creatively enhanced all with programing.
It's a helicopter, setup to fly like a helicopter period. Look at an early Bell. The example is about the controls not how a single bladed helicopter with tail rotor vs a four bladed drone work to stay aloft.

The flight controls, lefthand controlled throttle and blade pitch, righthand controlled the cyclic pitch of the blades, your feet the tail rotor or yaw. You pulled up with the left hand to increase pitch for gaining altitude once your rotors were up to speed, your cyclic to control the direction of travel for the entire aircraft, and the pedals (yaw) to control the direction the body of the aircraft faced.3D flying in any direction. What a difficult task all those controls, just don't sneeze and cover your mouth with you hands... LOL
DJI really did nothing different, except add a programable flight controller and a ton of programming to make it is what it is today.
dji remote controller, basically the same, the right stick is your cyclic mixed with throttle, the left stick (left/right motion) is your tail rotor(yaw), up/forward down/backward is your collective pitch mixed with throttle because your blades are a fixed pitch.
Yes, i enjoyed myself the airplane mode in the early Mavic and i was sorry to see it go, But it was only programming that made it fly that way.
Airplane mode is still alive with the DJI FPV they just don't call it that. I flew for the first time with the
motion controller yesterday and
WOW, totally awesome, Three birds in one flight.

The experience was like flying my VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing and forward flight) and Wing (elevons) and any of my DJI drones with all it's telemetry and functionality and to have real nice FPV all at the same time. With only one stick and a trigger for throttle. Once hovering pull the throttle trigger to start moving pull back to clime, push forward to descend, left/right to turn and bank, the only bummer no rolls, split s's, loops... but i can live with that.
If you want the airplane feel mode, get a motion controller.
Happy and safe flying!