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Am I charging my little 2s and 3s lipos too quickly?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2017
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United Kingdom
I'm still using my Charsoon DC-4s lipo charger, which normally takes about 30-45 minutes to bring a big 4s (1300-1800 mAh) lipo from 3.8 to 4.2 volts. I've now got several small 2s (450 mAh) and 3s (300 aAh) lipos which charge from 3.8 to 4.2 very quickly, within less than 15 minutes. I know that they have much smaller storage capacity, so of course it fills up quickly. But I was wondering if they are being charged too quickly relative to their small size, and if there is any danger? (I'm still setting a timer and in the same room while charging.)

PS I'm now also flying a LarvaX toothpick. If anyone is interested, I can review after I've worked out a few bugs.
I think the Charsoon is a fixed current, 1 amp charge and 1.5 amp balance charge, so he is probably charging at 3-5c for the small ones, may reduce battery life a bit but with the higher C charge ratings most batteries today can handle,it should be fairly safe. I would watch and feel the batteries like a hawk though cause, well you know, ??
Cheers, I still haven't decided what charger to upgrade too, so I'm still using the basic one at the moment. So just wanted to check that I can use this one, at least until I upgrade my charger.

(But now I've got to replace the antenna. Unfortunately the DVR didn't record, because I actually managed some really fast and zippy flying around obstacles with the larvaX... until I tumbled and the antenna popped off.)
I found it! I went back to the playground and carefully looked and somehow managed to find it. I popped it back on, and I also got the DVR to work!
If you managed to find a tiny ufl antenna at a playground, boy have I got a challenge for you. I've lost props and antennas at this tiny little park that seems to swallow stuff into the ground. Kind of like a drone Bermuda Triangle. I'd take @Wayno52's advice and dob some liquid electrical tape on it to help out for the next time. There will always be a next time.
If you managed to find a tiny ufl antenna at a playground, boy have I got a challenge for you. I've lost props and antennas at this tiny little park that seems to swallow stuff into the ground. Kind of like a drone Bermuda Triangle. I'd take @Wayno52's advice and dob some liquid electrical tape on it to help out for the next time. There will always be a next time.
Cheers, I've actually got the E600 search in another tab. Do I put some around it after making the connection, or dab some onto the antenna end and the make the connection? Also, will I be able to remove it to make repairs?
Cheers, I've actually got the E600 search in another tab. Do I put some around it after making the connection, or dab some onto the antenna end and the make the connection? Also, will I be able to remove it to make repairs?
I use liquid electrical tape on top of and around antenna connections and the like after they are in place. It peels off fairly easy and leaves little residue.
Made the mistake of buying a tin first time out and it went off before I could use it all. The tube version is more convenient and easier to store.

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