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Anybody have instructions for building an FPV drone


Active Member
Nov 21, 2023
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I see a lot of parts available and videos...but they all assume that you already know what you need and what each part does..anything out there that gives at least a brief description of what you need and how you would link the controller and goggles to the drone?....if I were to build an FPV...could I use my controller and Integra goggles that came with my Avata?...Thank you in advance for any feedback....fly often....fly safelyHappy Flying.jpg
Factor in Newbie here. Just started watching Joshua Bardwell's YTube series on building a FPV drone. Based on a kit you can purchase. But the information transfers to any build. The general principles and the how/why. Specific episode regarding using a DJI 03 video setup. DJI world. My impressions are that you will be limited to using DJI specific flight controller, ESC, and receiver. Also then stuck with only able to use DJI vtx set up.
Factor in Newbie here. Just started watching Joshua Bardwell's YTube series on building a FPV drone. Based on a kit you can purchase. But the information transfers to any build. The general principles and the how/why. Specific episode regarding using a DJI 03 video setup. DJI world. My impressions are that you will be limited to using DJI specific flight controller, ESC, and receiver. Also then stuck with only able to use DJI vtx set up.
This is exactly what I am talking about when I say "they all assume that you already know what you need and what each part does"...I am sure you know what you are talking about....but I don't
Sorry was no help.

Decade away from the hobby. What I know is based on minimal knowledge and mostly trial and error. Based on a box full of crash and trashed diy quads from the previous life of UAS flying. I was and still am a bit clueless. Maybe even more today with all the options for FC, ESC, VTX components. If you are competent in soldering and own a multimeter. The process of building a quad isn't that difficult. Time to acquire the knowledge base to match compatible parts is just part of the process. Tuning is another "skill" and specific to your flying needs.

Personally if owning the Integra goggles I would stick with DJI vtx systems and go the OpenTX route for FCs and a new Controller. Options for a number of sub $200, even sub $100 quality controllers that would give you the flexibility for different protocols using the same controller with different external modules.

Maybe consider start with a the kit Bardwell is selling and follow his build videos for your first diy? Following the specific video dedicated to DJI 03 will provide the details needed to correctly add the vtx to the build. He has a number of other videos specific to how to link your controller and goggles after you complete your build.
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