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Arming iflight alpha a85 for the first time. HELP!


New Member
Aug 15, 2022
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I just got my first FPV set. I have the iflight alpha a85 hd & DJI googles and controller. I was able to bind all 3 however I'm not able to arm or take off. I was in the impression that this drone in unbox and ready to flight. I have zero experience with this type of controller and or the drone. I was only flying DJI Air & Mini up until now.
I know its a stupid question but can someone advise on how to get the drone up in the air.
Thanks a lot!
I just got my first FPV set. I have the iflight alpha a85 hd & DJI googles and controller. I was able to bind all 3 however I'm not able to arm or take off. I was in the impression that this drone in unbox and ready to flight. I have zero experience with this type of controller and or the drone. I was only flying DJI Air & Mini up until now.
I know its a stupid question but can someone advise on how to get the drone up in the air.
Thanks a lot!
Should be simple. Check the receivers tab in BF. If/when everything is working correctly go to the modes tab and figure out which switch you want to use for arming.
Hope that helps. I'm a noob as well.
There's a little bit of setup in Betaflight that needs to be done, mapping some buttons and switches on the RC, arming being one of them.

You've got an hour or so ahead of you reading the Betaflight docs on this issue.
I'm having the same issue.

I've connected all components to DJI Assistant 2, everything is updated to the latest firmware and activated.

I can connect to BetaFlight, no problem. However, my DJI transmitter doesn't show the inputs in BetaFlight. I also can't get mine to arm.

I am very familiar with BetaFlight and to me, everything looks good. I am, however, new to the the Polar Nano Vista Digital HD System and configuration.

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks for posting @Ken2022


  • SCR-20221023-vph.png
    234.8 KB · Views: 2
When you move the sticks do you see the control input graph reflect those movements? Same when pressing buttons?

@kzoojeff, as a Betaflight veteran, you know there are two steps to configure controls (assuming the Vista unit is wired to the FC corectly): 1)Configure the input type from the receiver (serial, and some other options), and then mapping the controls (analog sticks, buttons, and switches) to the desired functions.

If the first isn't right, you'll see no response in the graph you posted when moving sticks. If the second isn't right, the controls will produce odd behavior in the drone (like not arming).

What happens in the graph when you move the sticks?

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