The newly gained abilities to record video in 10 bit in the dcinelike profile as well as the ability to turn off the very destructive in camera noise reduction resul in us getting amazing improvement in the Avatas image quality. This is quite a extreme example as in this video I'm flying in conditions that normally are unsuitable for small cameras attached to fpv drones. Don't get me wrong. Image out of the camera isn't perfect in low light but the fact we can clean it up in post is a big win.
Filght conducted with motion controller.
Video settings: 30 fps, auto exposure with Max iso set to 6400, sharpness and noise reduction -2, dcinelike. Shot with wide fov and eis disabled. Stabilised in gyroflow.
Most shots set to 130% speed with some added motion blur. Denoised and sharpened in DaVinci Resolve Studio.