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Better props for the DJI FPV drone

OK, I did a flight, with the Nazgul 5140 blades, and they work quite well. No real noticable difference, but perhaps a tad quieter, and motors just barely warm after a whole pack. I also have some other blades on order, to play with. As for the post above, I've read that some of the after market DJI FPV props were out of balance pretty bad. I've got a set somewhere, but never tried them.

OK, I did a flight with the
Hopefully one or more of the larger prop manufacturers will develop a new set of props for this drone. I know this would not be an easy task as you'd need to back into the static tune DJI has on the drone, but honestly, the factory props are not great. After 50ish packs, I'm beginning to think a lot of the bad or undesirable flight characteristics and prop wash are at least partially related to these crappy props. What are these things made from anyway? I'm really hoping a prop manufacturer will see the sales potential of better props and invest in the time to develop them. Or maybe DJI may release a firmware update with a better tune that reduces the effects of these plastic props.

Has anyone seen any hints of after market props yet?
My favorites so far are the Nazgul 5140's and the Dalprop Spitfire T5147.5's, I think the Nazgul's are slightly better IMHO.
This might be a good option and doesn't need modification, they are fast install/release just like the stock props. Just saw this today
I just bought a set of upgrade props from master air screw course they were 16 bucks but hopefully they are a little better
supposed to be
These words are worth a good bit of $$$$ to the Master Airscrew owner.
I‘ll say it again. If their company was to ever turn into a publicly traded company, I would certainly buy in to that, just not their product. What minor amount of gain by installing their props just isn’t enough benefit for me.
Back in my RC Airplane life Master Airscrew was in the bottom of the barrel of prop choices. They had a lot of flexibility and did not bite the air very well. That was years ago and a different aircraft.

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