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Cc3d spedix hex with flysky receiver


New Member
Jun 15, 2016
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Hey guys. So i built my first muticopter. Plugged my batt in backward and fried my fc to the point it wouldd just flip on initial throttle input. Changed the fc problem solved.
I assumed i fried my reciever as well cuase it would just loose all power drop and recover whenever i was outside 60 ft or so. Changed to a lrs reciever and module with incorrect antennas and was much better. no drop outs. But becuase of the antennas my range was crap . So finally got my new reciever and in test flight i seemed to loose control... and put it in the ground..... but it was flying pretty nice up to that point.
Since the last crash im getting uncontrolable flight(if you can call it that). I changed the fc again to a 3rd cc3d and still the same issue. Flashed new firmware and all.... can this be a effed up pdb?
Thanks for any help guys
It's hard to pinpoint the exact issue, but you could have a flaky ESC or connection, or even a motor. Have you calibrated the entire setup after the crash? I used CleanFlight before and it ran you threw a setup process and let you test each motor etc, I haven't used LibrePilot app yet, but assume it also helps you test each component.
If your quad has a PCB, I'd start checking that for damaged solder/board joints.
Good luck.
It's hard to pinpoint the exact issue, but you could have a flaky ESC or connection, or even a motor. Have you calibrated the entire setup after the crash? I used CleanFlight before and it ran you threw a setup process and let you test each motor etc, I haven't used LibrePilot app yet, but assume it also helps you test each component.
If your quad has a PCB, I'd start checking that for damaged solder/board joints.
Yes everything was recalibrated and went through setup fine. As soon as any throttle is applied gcu tell me there is a cpu fualt.- cpu has exeeded 80 percent.?

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