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Decrypt any DJI flight log with Flight Reader

A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.3.23 includes the following changes:
  • Made improvements to fix scaling issues when using Windows display scale settings over 100%.
  • Corrected a few issues preventing some DJI GS Pro flight logs from being processed.
  • Added a few requested enhancements.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.3.24 includes the following changes:
  • Added support for processing Avata flight logs.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.3.25 includes the following changes:
  • Resolved a calculation issue that was sometimes allowing incorrect "OSD.hSpeed" values to be shown for some operating systems and/or architectures due to the way the .NET math library performs calculations.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.3.27 includes the following changes:
  • Added "OVERVIEW.Description", "OVERVIEW.Location", "OVERVIEW.Observations", and "OVERVIEW.Pilots" fields to show the data entered in the Flight Details window.
  • Added "OSD.mileage [ft]" and "OSD.mileage [m]" fields to show the total distance travelled as the flight progresses.
  • Added support for the Mavic 3 Enterprise and Mavic 3 Thermal drones.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing some flight logs to show too many battery cells.
  • Resolved an encryption issue that was preventing some flight logs from being processed
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.3.30 includes the following changes:
  • Added battery cell voltage data for the Matrice 300 RTK
  • Resolved an issue sometimes causing the incorrect drone model name to be displayed for the Mavic 3 Enterprise and Mavic 3 Thermal
  • Resolved an issue sometimes causing an incorrect flight date to be displayed for the Mavic 3 Enterprise and Mavic 3 Thermal
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.3.33 includes the following changes:
  • Added support for processing Mavic 3 Classic flight logs.

  • Added serial number fields “SERIAL.battery”, “SERIAL.battery2”, “SERIAL.camera”, “SERIAL.camera2”, “SERIAL.flightController”, “SERIAL.gimbal”, “SERIAL.gimbal2”, “SERIAL.rc”, and “SERIAL.ssd”.

  • Added obstacle avoidance fields “MC.atAirportAltitudeLimit”, “MC.atAirportBoundary”, “MC.atDistanceLimit”, “MC.isAvoidingObstacle”, “MC.isAvoidingActiveObstacle”, “MC.isAscentLimitedByObstacle”, “MC.isCollisionAvoidanceEnabled”, “MC.isBraking”, “MC.isLandingConfirmationNeeded”, “MC.isObstacleAvoidanceEnabled”, and “MC.isRthObstacleAvoidanceEnabled”.

  • Added “DETAILS.guid” unique id field to allow flight logs to be uniquely identified after processing.

  • Added “RC.mode.RAW” field to display the numeric “RC.mode” field value (useful in cases where the “RC.mode” field displays a letter value).

  • Added missing “MasterShots”, “Normal”, and “Sport” flight modes.

  • For many of the newly added fields, you can mouse over the headers at the top of the log window to see a tooltip that displays a field description. A tooltip will be added for other existing fields in an upcoming Flight Reader release.

  • The log window loads 60% faster when opening an aircraft log, battery log, or photo log.

  • Modified the “CAMERA.isPhoto” field to display “True” from the time the aircraft starts capturing a photo until that process completes (that usually takes 1-2 seconds).

  • The “RC.mode” field displays “C”, “N”, or “S” to show the position of the flight mode switch when flying with the DJI RC Pro remote controller.

  • Multiple columns/rows can be copied, hidden, highlighted, or unhighlighted at the same time in the log window when more than one column/row is highlighted while right clicking and selecting one of those actions.

  • When highlighting columns/rows in the log window, you can choose to highlight the columns/rows in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or gray.

  • When flying with the DJI Fly Obstacle Avoidance Action set to “Bypass” (which enables APAS), the “OSD.flycState” flight mode field will display “P-GPS (Bypass)”. When set to “Brake”, the “OSD.flycState” field will display “P-GPS (Brake)”. And when set to “Off”, the “OSD.flycState” field wil display “P-GPS”.

  • The photo log was sometimes displaying more than one row for the same photo. Additional rows were being generated between the time the photo capture started until it completed.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.3.36 includes the following changes:
  • Added support for processing Mini 3 flight logs.

  • Added the following fields to show the date and time at the flight location:
    • CUSTOM.date (The date in the time zone at the flight location)
    • CUSTOM.updateTime (The time in the time zone at the flight location)
    • CUSTOM.updateTime.TEXT (The plain text time in the time zone at the flight location)
    • CUSTOM.updateTime24 (The time in 24-hour format in the time zone at the flight location)
    • CUSTOM.updateTime24.TEXT (The plain text time in 24-hour format in the time zone at the flight location)
    • CUSTOM.updateTime [epoch] (The time in epoch format)
  • Renamed the “HOME.isCompassCeleing” field to “HOME.isCompassCeiling”.

  • Resolved an issue that was causing the Flight Reader window to pop back open after being minimized to the Windows taskbar.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
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A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.3.36 includes the following changes:
  • Added support for processing Mini 3 flight logs.

  • Added the following fields to show the date and time at the flight location:
    • CUSTOM.date (The date in the time zone at the flight location)
    • CUSTOM.updateTime (The time in the time zone at the flight location)
    • CUSTOM.updateTime.TEXT (The plain text time in the time zone at the flight location)
    • CUSTOM.updateTime24 (The time in 24-hour format in the time zone at the flight location)
    • CUSTOM.updateTime24.TEXT (The plain text time in 24-hour format in the time zone at the flight location)
    • CUSTOM.updateTime [epoch] (The time in epoch format)
  • Renamed the “HOME.isCompassCeleing” field to “HOME.isCompassCeiling”.

  • Resolved an issue that was causing the Flight Reader window to pop back open after being minimized to the Windows taskbar.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
I've always been puzzled by the label CompassCeiling. Any idea what it means?
I've always been puzzled by the label CompassCeiling
I don't recall where that "ceiling" name came from, but it's likely from one of the first flight log codebases we discovered. In DJI's code, they named that field "isCompassAdjust" (true/false). There's also another field (not currently exposed by Flight Reader) named "compassState".
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.4.0 includes the following changes:
  • Added "Sync Flight Logs" section in the Flight Reader Options window to automatically download DJI flight logs uploaded to the DJI Cloud from DJI GO, DJI Fly, or DJI Pilot.

  • Changed the precision of all latitude and longitude values has been increased from 8 decimals to 12-13 decimals.

  • Resolved an issue causing some flight logs to display the year 1977 in the "Date" column of the main Flight Reader window.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.4.5 includes the following changes:
  • Added support for processing Phantom 3 SE flight logs.

  • When viewing flight logs for drones with two batteries, the "BATTERY" fields will now be split out into "BATTERY1" and "BATTERY2" fields to display the data for both batteries.

  • The "BATTERY.timesCharged" field is now being populated for most drones.

  • Resolved an issue that was causing times in the "CUSTOM.updateTime" fields to sometimes be off by several milliseconds.

  • Resolved an issue that was causing Flight Reader to freeze up when syncing large numbers of flight logs.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.4.8 includes the following changes:
  • Resolved an issue causing the “BATTERY.current [A]” field to display incorrect values for some older drone models.

  • Resolved an issue causing the “CAMERA.isPhoto” field to sometimes display “True” when a photo was not actually taken.

  • Resolved an issue causing speeds in the “Speed” column of the map window to sometimes display values that well exceeded recorded values.

  • Added “BATTERY1.timesCharged” and “BATTERY2.timesCharged” fields to the reports for drones using dual batteries.

  • Redesigned the top and bottom of the main Flight Reader window to give it a cleaner look.

  • Added new “File” and “Help” menus at the top of the main Flight Reader window to make it easy to access the most common features.

  • Use the new “File” → “Import Flight Log…” menu at the top of the main Flight Reader window to import flight logs by choosing the log files to import from a file dialog window.

  • An “update available” message will display next to the version number at the bottom right of the main Flight Reader window when a new version is available.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.4.15 includes the following changes:
  • Renamed the “OSD.motorRevolution” field to “OSD.flightCount”. This field was incorrectly labeled and actually tracks the count of flights started since the battery was powered on.

  • Renamed the “HOME.isCompassCeiling” field to “HOME.isCompassCalibrating”.

  • Renamed the “HOME.compassCeleStatus” field to “HOME.compassCalibrationState.RAW”.

  • Added “HOME.compassCalibrationState” field to display the text status of the compass calibration state.

  • Added “OSD.flyTime [ms]” field to show the accumulated flight time in milliseconds since the aircraft’s motors were started.

  • Added “RC.aileron [percent]”, “RC.elevator [percent]”, “RC.throttle [percent]”, “RC.rudder [percent]” fields to show the remote controller stick location as a percentage in the up/down or right/left direction. When set to 0%, the remote controller stick is in the default center position.

  • Added row index column to the left side of the aircraft/battery log window to show the number of rows displayed.

  • Added descriptions for all fields. In the “Logs/Reports” section of the Flight Reader Options window, a tooltip will appear when pointing at the fields in the available/selected lists. When viewin the aircraft/battery log, a tootlip will appear when pointing at the column field names.

  • Resolved an issue that sometimes prevented the last line of the log from being exported.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.1 includes the following changes:
  • Added “DETAILS.maxHorizontalSpeed [km/h]”, “DETAILS.maxVerticalSpeed [km/h]”, “OSD.hSpeed [km/h]”, “OSD.hSpeedMax [km/h]”, “OSD.xSpeed [km/h]”, “OSD.xSpeedMax [km/h]”, “OSD.ySpeed [km/h]”, “OSD.ySpeedMax [km/h]”, “OSD.zSpeed [km/h]”, and “OSD.zSpeedMax [km/h]” speed fields.

  • Upgraded from .NET Framework to .NET 7 to take advantage of the latest .NET performance improvements.

  • Updated the OSD.hSpeed calculation to use the OSD.xSpeed and OSD.ySpeed values instead of calculating the speed based on the longitude and latitude location changes since that can produce inaccurate results when there are gaps in the flight log.

  • Increased speed fields to 6 decimal places for added precision.

  • Resolved an issue where the thumbnail snapshot was sometimes not appearing in the main Flight Reader window when a flight log only contained one thumbnail image.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.5 includes the following changes:
  • Added ability to process DroneDeploy LOG flight logs.

  • Added map type toggle at the top of the map window to change the Google Map type between hybrid, roadmap, satellite, and terrain.

  • Added play and stop buttons on the map window to automatically play back the flight route on the Google Map.

  • Added “Show placemarks” setting in the “KML” section of the Flight Reader Options window to show/hide the placemarks on the Google Map in the map window and generated KML file.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.6 includes the following changes:
  • The map window now zooms into the bounds of the flight area when the map loads.

  • Resolved a few uncommon issues preventing some flight logs from being decrypted.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.7 includes the following changes:
  • Added support for processing Mavic 3 Pro flight logs.

  • Added 1/4x and 1/2x map playback speeds. You’ll need to reprocess existing flight logs in order to see those new speed options on the play button.

  • Added “This Month”, “Last Month”, “This Year”, “Last Year”, and “All Time” sub menu items for the aircraft/battery CSV report to limit the flights/batteries. Right click a flight log in the main Flight Reader window to access the “Reports” menu item.

  • Resolved an issue preventing the 90%, 80%, 70%, etc. battery level messages from displaying on the KML flight path for some aircraft models.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.14 includes the following changes:
  • When flight log syncing is enabled and the password changes on the associated DJI account, a prompt will appear to allow the password to be updated so flight log syncing can resume.

  • Rounded "BATTERY.currentPV [V]" and "BATTERY.voltage [V]" fields to 3 decimal places.

  • Resolved an issue causing the Aircraft/Battery History window to freeze when attempting to load flights with invalid dates.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.17 includes the following changes:
  • Added support for processing Inspire 3 flight logs.

  • Added support for processing Matrice 350 RTK flight logs.

  • Added support for processing Mini 4 Pro flight logs.

  • Updated the “Open with CsvView” right click menu item to be compatible with CSV delimiters used by all Windows regions. This menu item will only appear if you have CsvView installed.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.22 includes the following changes:
  • Added a new “Map Data Resolution” setting to the “General” section of the Flight Reader Options window to allow all available flight data to be displayed in the Map window. By default, Flight Reader will use the “Show Notable Events Only” setting and exclude sections of the flight where there are no notable events or flight activity.

  • Added a new Sync History window to view the last 500 synced flight logs. Click the “Stop Syncing Aircraft Logs” button to stop syncing flight logs for a particular aircraft. The Sync History window can be accessed from the “File” menu in the main Flight Reader window or from the “Sync Flight Logs” section of the Flight Reader Options window.

  • When adding a new DJI account to sync in the “Sync Flight Logs” section of the Flight Reader Options window, you now have the option to assign a list of pilots to the account. When new flight logs are synced for that DJI account, those pilots will be automatically assigned to the newly imported flight logs.

  • Added an “Edit Account” button to the “Sync Flight Logs” section of the Flight Reader Options window to allow an existing account to be updated.

  • Added a “Date Range” option in the “Flight Date” dropdown in the main Flight Reader window to allow the flight list to be filtered by any start date and end date.

  • When right clicking a flight in the main Flight Reader window, you now have the option to generate a report for any start date and end date using the new “Date Range” option in the “Reports” menu.

  • Added tooltips to the column headers in the main Flight Reader window to explain what each column is displaying.

  • Choose the columns to display in the main Flight Reader window by right clicking any column header and choosing “Customize Columns…”. The column name and sort order can also be modified.

  • Greatly reduced the time it takes to open the Aircraft/Battery Log window. Most logs now open and display within a second.

  • Updated the grid padding/font/colors throughout Flight Reader to make them consistent.

  • Removed the BOM header from the generated GPX and KML files. While many GPX/KML viewers are able to read files with BOM headers, some viewers were failing to open GPX/KML files generated by Flight Reader.

  • Applied several fixes to resolve failures when processing DroneDeploy flight logs.

  • Resolved an edge case where the flight date in the main Flight Reader window is incorrect due to an invalid date and time value recorded at the start of the flight within the TXT flight log.

  • Resolved a possible case where flight logs could be skipped while syncing when DJI sends them down to Flight Reader out of order.

  • Resolved an issue where the buttons at the bottom of the Failed Flight Logs window would not display at some screen sizes with high resolutions.
See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.

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