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Diatone 339 cube day 1

Thanks Eric, not easy without prop guards in a small unit.
Props are suffering.?
You doing much flying mate?
LOL good thing they are cheap and easy to replace!!!
Naw I'm not getting out much. Weather's been cold, I've been kinda in a slump for flying. Not even doing any indoor flights. I'm hoping once it warms up a bit it will lite the fire again.
How is everything going with you?
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Well asside from burning the heck out of my hand on a frying pan that came out of a hot oven and then breaking my toe in the pitch black last night going to the toilet. Yeah pretty good.
Well asside from burning the heck out of my hand on a frying pan that came out of a hot oven and then breaking my toe in the pitch black last night going to the toilet. Yeah pretty good.
Geez man!!! Sorry to hear that! wishing you a speed recovery!!
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