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I think the concern is... that they have marked the 'DJI Digital FPV system' as out of production, rather than specific products.

so it could mark the end of this 'diy' support, in favour of just supporting thier own fpv drones....

on the flip side,  it could be that DJI think this is 'system' is confusing,  and will just market a new Air Unit v2, as part of DJI FPV.

so Im hoping this marks the beginning of a consolidation (which is a great thing in my mind) to an new v2 fpv series.

I think this was largely expected... and we will see... I guess main hope is they make their intentions known sooner rather than later.

having the  fpv v1 discontinued, without any statement on a fpv v2 system, is going to make alot of fpv-ers unsure of their future options.